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Madison, SD, USATriforceIcon.png


35 years (or 12864 days)


Forum — Site Staff
Wiki — Administrator

Join Date

Forum — November 28, 2008
Wiki — October 13, 2011

Forum Posts


IM Screen Name


A This user is an administrator.

Hi, I'm Emma. I help run this wiki. I'm a coder, first and foremost. I know the ins and outs of the Media Wiki interface and know how to work the wiki syntax. I maintain this wiki's coding, scripts, interface, templates, etc. I'm generally a good source of editing advice.

I have a long history of editing wikis. I've moved around a bit. And now I'm here. I've always been a good coder. It's where I'm best suited. I'm not a spectacular article editor. But you'll see me making a number of minor edits to articles fixings errors, spelling problems, issues with conforming to standards, etc. When not dealing with a technical issue, I'm usually doing something with one of my long-term projects or supporting the wiki behind the scenes by trying to get others involved. I also handle any rule breaking. I'm generally a friendly girl and will usually give the benefit of the doubt. But don't cross the line, I will not look the other way for serious issues.

If you have any questions for me you can message me on my talk page. Please remember to sign your posts with ~~~~ and to keep all discussion on the same page they start on — do not go to another user's talk page to reply to a post they made on your own, or anywhere else. If you see a problem anywhere, let me know and I'll deal with it as soon as I'm able. And there's no need to notify me that you responded to me on any discussion page. Trust me, I'll notice if you have. If I don't reply, please don't take it personally. I'm not always able to and don't always have an answer. If you need to speak more privately, you can add me on Skype or Discord or email me through the wiki.

I hope I can help improve your overall experience with the Zelda Dungeon Wiki. Thanks for reading! — Emma (Talk)


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Triforce.png Here's just some links I think I'd commonly need in managing the wiki:


This is just a bunch of notes for myself to remember the various long-term projects I am working on. Some might never get solved or might take forever, hence the need for notes.


  1. Fix the ugly vector tabs with a better color scheme.


  1. Figure out just exactly what help pages we need expanded.


  1. Figure out how best to present character quotes in the most efficient and accessible way possible.


  1. Finish the enemy damage project, preferably with some kind of infobox integration if possible.


  1. Get the side buttons to function properly from image to image.
  2. Get images to roll over to the beginning when at the end.
  3. Find a good way to format captions.
  4. Add an option to have a link to the image page.

ZD Staff Page

  1. Work on a way to efficiently have staff members provide information to be used on their ZD staff entry automatically transcluded from their userpage.