Tag: weapons

For some of you the addition of the character, Linkle might have come as a surprise and if not a disappointment to you. But if I may be honest, for me I am quite excited. Although many of you might be thinking that I am excited for the wrong reason. For me, it actually has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she is a girl, I am simply excited about a new character addition — If I may…

In this week’s Famitsu issue, Tri Force Heroes is one of the highlighted games with an 8 page spread. The pages show off a few different characters in the game, some of the costumes, as well as all the different areas, weapons, and a few bosses. The page layout seems reminiscent of the issues of Nintendo Power back in the day when strategy guides didn’t exist, and the internet was not what it is today, and the glossy pages of…

In the latest issue of Famitsu magazine out this week in Japan, there was quite a bit of Zelda news. We have already shared with you the fantastic scans of Tri Force Heroes and Hyrule Warriors Legends from the magazine, along with a few bits of information. Now, we have a little more to add about some of the characters and items found in Tri Force Heroes. We already know a little bit about the story behind the game and…

The past week seems to be full of talk and new information for the upcoming title, Tri Force Heroes. From a new Japanese trailer and teaser site, to the announcement of a bundle of the game, offered exclusively at Gamestop and would include the Hyrule Edition New 3DS XL — preorders have already sold out. If all of that wasn’t enough to have you say; stop, please no more! This will most definitely make that happen. There has now been…

Hyrule Warriors has been out for over half a year now, and finally all of its DLC has been released to the public. This not only allows us to make sure we get full value in our investment towards said DLC, but it also allows people to show off their collection in Hyrule Warriors. And of course, we can always rely on GameXplain to give us the full rundown. GameXplain recently uploaded a video of all weapons in Hyrule Warriors,…

To celebrate our newest series, Tadtone Tuesdays, we look at one of the most powerful items in all of the Zelda canon. Link’s arsenal is made up of many powerful items that he uses throughout his quests, however, one item in particular holds a magical power that goes far beyond the abilities of just causing damage or solving puzzles. Between Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask, the Ocarina is possibly the most powerful item in all of Hyrule, second only…

For so long, we as Zelda fans have expected certain staples of the series to show up in each new installment. Some of the more notable staples are certain items. The boomerang, the bow and arrows, bombs, and of course the main weapon, the sword. But is it time for new items to become a mainstay? Should there be some brand new weapons that are cool enough to stick around for over 25 years like these classic items? Join the…

One of the recurring items in the Zelda series is the Slingshot: a handheld device Link often obtains early in the games it is in. Unfortunately for every game it appears in, it’s typically obtained before the Bow; the Bow greatly outshines the Slingshot with improved range, damage and projectiles it could carry. Is there a place for the Slingshot alongside the bow, or is it an outdated piece of equipment that should be retired in favor of the bow? Read more…

Despite my general opposition to remakes, recent news has even me a bit excited about The Wind Waker HD. Faster sailing, a reworked Triforce quest, increased Pictobox capacity, but mostly a new Hero Mode like that of Skyward Sword’s… Finally this game is confirmed to have some new additions that make me excited about it. That said, there are also a number of things missing from it. The Wind Waker is my least-favorite Zelda game and if I were to…

Link has arguably the largest arsenal of weapons in video game history. Since his debut over 25 years ago, he has carried with him some bulky tools such as a raft and ladder, as well as his more commonplace weapons, including the bow, hammer, bombs, and boomerang. What is so memorable about his collection, however, is that most of his items are just as much tools as they are weapons. In fact, I rarely use some of Link’s items for…