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Earlier this month, an unofficial native PC port of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, titled Zelda64Recomp, made its way online, largely thanks to a new recompilation tool developed by modder Mr-Wiseguy. This tool, known as N64: Recompiled, streamlines the process of decompiling/recompiling Nintendo 64 code, wherein a game’s original code is translated into modern computer code so that it runs natively on PCs, no emulation needed. The Majora’s Mask port was the first demonstration of N64: Recompiled’s utility, but we…

As we eagerly await the arrival of the official Legend of Zelda LEGO set, we continue to be blessed with hard-working fans engineering sets inspired by the franchise. From the Master Sword to a King Gleeok, from the Great Sky Island to the King of Red Lions, and with all sorts of people, places, and things in between, there is already a wealth of independent “LEGO of Zelda” works of art for us to praise. Add to the ever-growing list…

It was recently announced that LEGO is finally releasing an officially licensed set for The Legend of Zelda! LEGO The Legend of Zelda – Great Deku Tree 2 in 1 Set is currently available for pre-order for $299.99. LEGO sets often come with a heavy price for the toy brick brand, so is The Great Deku Tree’s heafty price worth it? My husband loves LEGO, and I do too. Our home has sets scattered about as decor and we’ve bought…

Following months of rumors about a planned Zelda LEGO set (based on a leak first reported by Promo Bricks), along with LEGO allegedly issuing DMCA takedown notices against YouTube videos that featured images of the proposed design, the need for speculation is now over. Nintendo today announced via their official X accounts that a new Zelda Deku Tree “2-in-1” LEGO set will be available on September 1st, 2024. The #LEGOTheLegendofZelda Great Deku Tree 2-in-1 Set is available Sept. 1, 2024….

While most fans are fine with simply owning artwork of their favorite location in Zelda, others are always craving something a bit more for their personalized collection. If you have ever been one of those people that want a distinct piece of merchandise from the series, then now is the perfect time to get your hands on a rather special item. This is thanks to Etsy merchant RetroDesign3D and their amazing work on what they call “micro worlds.” The small…

Today, at least for our readers in the United States, you might be enjoying a day on the lake, grilling out, or looking forward to an evening fireworks show for Memorial Day. While many people take advantage of the federal holiday to ring in the summer months with a fun day off (I’m certainly one of these!), the underlying emphasis of the day is in the name — to mourn and honor those who have died serving in the military….

It’s time to kick it old school with another entry into our Definitive Ranking series, this time, examining the game that started it all: The Legend of Zelda! We’re going through ten critical categories that make up the ingredients to a Zelda game – world, story, pacing, art style, dungeons, bosses/enemies, items, gameplay, extras, and music – and assigning them each a score to see how the original game stacks up against all of the legendary entries that came after…

As I have gotten older I have found myself seeking out the things that make me feel nostalgic for my childhood days. Sitting in the back of my parent’s car trying to play my GameBoy Color by the light of each passing streetlamp or huddling around our family TV playing The Wind Waker with my brother. There have been many video games that have stood the test of time over the years, but are there any Zelda games that have…

Video game music (commonly abbreviated as VGM) is often seen as a genre encompassing music based on its origin (if it’s from a video game, it’s VGM, as simple as that). The reality is that, historically speaking, VGM is more than just that, as it often harkens back to a synthetic, electronic soundscape associated with 8-bit music made using programmable sound generators (this style of music is also commonly referred to as “chiptune”). And while modern music in the Zelda…

I recently completed my first-ever playthrough of Spirit Tracks, originally released on the Nintendo DS. It was my first playthrough of either of the two stylus-based Zelda DS games (i.e., Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass). I enjoyed the game with its whimsical charm, uplifting musical tracks, and unique storyline with Zelda as Link’s companion. However, similar to my playthrough of Skyward Sword, I found myself becoming frustrated with the controls, and I felt like a good game was being held…