Curiosity Shop #124: Zelda Dungeon Mailbag
Posted on June 27 2013 by Axle D. Wilder
Hey guys! Got a new mailbag, though sadly it’s a little on the long side. I suppose I should work on cutting the length back down closer to 10 minutes! This time around we’ve got 11 questions, largely discussing The Wind Waker HD, Zelda Wii U, and future Zelda games in general, but there’s also a heap of personal opinion type questions, so you should leave a comment with your answers to those! Enjoy! You can watch the video here or check out the embed after the jump.
Questions and timestamps:
(00:30) – Is there a Zelda game that you think is underrated?
(01:59) – At what point in the timeline would you like the next Zelda game to take place?
(03:32) – What Zelda game do you think has the saddest ending?
(05:02) – Where is the best place in Hyrule to live?
(05:50) – What would you like Nintendo to change in The Wind Waker HD?
(07:03) – Do you expect some of the other Zelda races to appear in A Link Between Worlds?
(08:08) – What kind of gameplay would you like Zelda Wii U to have? Should it return to Wii Motion Plus, classic controls, or use the GamePad?
(09:39) – What things do you want to be in Zelda Wii U?
(11:14) – Would you like the idea of an M-rated Zelda game?
(11:20) – If they make a game with Zelda as a playable character, do you think it would be about the war before Skyward Sword or something totally different?
(12:11) – Why is the windmill in Ocarina of Time labeled as “?”
Be sure to submit your name/username and questions to our contact page, or if that page doesn’t work then email them to for next week’s mailbag! You can also use my Twitter or Facebook, or use the Mailbag Thread on the forums!
Can you guess the quote on the paper, the sound at the beginning, or any of the music? Include them all with your question and you might guarantee it gets answered! How about your thoughts about the questions? What Zelda game do you think is underrated, if any? Where in the timeline would you like the next Zelda game to take place? What Zelda game has the saddest ending? What would you like Nintendo to change in The Wind Waker HD? Which type of gameplay should Zelda Wii U have, and what things would you like to see in the game? And where would be the best place to live in Hyrule? Tell me your thoughts on these and any other questions you want in the comments!