Was last week crazy or what, Zelda fans? The latest Nintendo Direct brought with it a heap of Tears of the Kingdom news, including an exciting new trailer, a Collector’s Edition announcement, and an amiibo debut. But when it comes to Zelda Dungeon’s weekly Caption Contest, last week’s wave of news can only mean one thing: we’ve got a bunch of new Tears of the Kingdom screenshots to feature! So, let us take a look at one of the most striking images from the newest trailer.


Last Week’s Contest:

Breath of the Wild Link saw the light of the Nintendo Direct before we did last week.

Here are our non-photo caption winners:

  • Tober: “Please tell me I have more then 3 days”
  • Kestron: “Mom, did you have to turn on the lights!? I said I was getting up!”
  • pyridiss: Hey Zelda, get off my Master Cycle Zero and turn off the headlight immediately!
  • IceRod: “I knew I should have gotten those sunglasses from the last great fairy!”
  • Dylan Wallach: Coming outside from quarantine for the first time


This Week’s Contest:

I can’t help but sing 80’s romantic power ballads looking at this image.

Here are the guidelines:

  • Please refrain from using offensive material (racial, sexual, overuse of offensive language, etc.) We want to make the contest fun and accessible for fans of all ages. When in doubt, keep it Nintendo.
  • If you don’t have the ability to edit the image, just leave it as a comment. We make sure to have a separate list of winners for this category.
  • Photo editing and manipulation (i.e. Photoshop) is allowed, but these entries will be part of a separate list of winners for this category.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion at Zelda Dungeon. In fact, we encourage discussion based on those opinions. However, please do not insult other fans’ work. What may be funny to one person may not hold true for another… and that’s OK.
  • Have fun and be creative!

Don’t forget to check back throughout the week and upvote your favorites, and, who knows?  Maybe you will be one of next week’s winners.

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