Tag: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Yep, I’m running the Fan Art Showdown for yet another week. Anyone want to take it over for me? Anyone? No..? Okay…

Last week’s winner is Skilar, whose submission of the Fierce Deity won by 22%. Way to go, Skilar! Before I announce this week’s contestants, take a gander at the rules and regulations of this fine Weekly Feature…

During this morning’s Japanese Nintendo Direct, no ground-breaking Zelda news was revealed, as was expected. However, there was a small amount of Zelda content, as Link appeared fighting two Shadow Links in a game called Famicom Remix. (Yes, Shadow Link, from Zelda II, not Dark Link from Ocarina of Time.) This game appears to be the equivalent of what is called NES Remix here in the West.

Although there was no more major Zelda content in the Direct, it was pretty fun to watch other games being revealed, as well as a new 3DS bundle…

Today, I stumbled across what may be the best cover of a Zelda II song that I have ever heard. The strange thing? It’s only on one instrument.

Usually the most successful Zelda covers consist of multiple musicians, or one musician recording himself playing different instruments. This special 12 string acoustic cover of Zelda II‘s Battle Theme only uses one guitar…

Straight out of the 2D world of Zelda II, InstrumentManiac brings us a cover of the toe-tapping Town Theme. You may notice that there is only one person playing, so why is it called a flute trio? It is because InstrumentManiac is playing all three flutes at the same time, due to the magic of recording and overlapping…

It’s Friday once again, and that means ZI’s weekly Photoshop Contest is upon us! This week we’re going to remaster and revitalize the classic Zelda titles of the NES with the magic of image manipulation, as if you haven’t had enough of Zelda remakes already. Of course, that fun won’t get in our way of first celebrating the ultimate winners last week’s contest: Zelda Superhero Team-Up

Nintendo does not often offer its classic franchises to third-party developers. Only with a precise combination of quality, consumer appeal, and creative control will Nintendo even consider handing off one of its big IP’s to an outside company. The Legend of Zelda is no exception. Only a few rare third-party studios have had their hands on Zelda, each with a varying degree of success. However with the third-party success of Hyrule Warriors, we should discuss what other developers deserve a chance to make their own Zelda game…

It’s certainly no secret that many, many of you have not played or finished Zelda II, but to the few that have, it’s one of the most unique and satisfying gameplay experiences out there. Not many other games have tried to emulate the Zelda II formula, so it’s a treat when a game is released that does. Last year, Ansimuz Games’ Elliot’s Quest, an indie 8-bit homage to Zelda II, was released onto Steam. Today, those with a Wii U will have a chance to pick up this charming game as it has been finally released onto the Nintendo eShop…

With over 15 epic titles and a handful of spinoffs, it’s quite an undertaking to play and complete every game in the Zelda series. Not every fan was introduced to the same set of games, not every title is readily available, and not every game can hold enough appeal to meet completion. With all these factors in place, we want to know exactly which Zelda games you didn’t finish for whatever reason. Use this opportunity to explain the reasons for this gap in Zelda completion and discuss the importance of playing / finishing games in the overall fanbase…

I was recently playing through Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (as I am known to do sometimes), and was quickly reminded of how useful the Fairy Spell is to gameplay. With the power to increase mobility and skip passed doors, the Fairy Spell is one of many awesome spells present in Zelda II. With some unlocking combat abilities and others changing how Link moves throughout dungeons, these spells were great gameplay additions that have never again been revisited. The results were satisfying back then, but do such spells have a place in modern Zelda games…

The Adventure of Link turned 28 today. Yes, that’s right. Everyone’s favorite Zelda title crawled forth from the abyss of Hell more than a quarter of a century ago. Since then, it has tormented many fans who thought it was just another Zelda game to beat…