Tag: title

Majora’s Mask popularity has not slowed down yet, and today we have an interesting piece of fan art for everyone who enjoys both Majora’s Mask and classic games. Artist Oskunk has posted pictures of his hand painted Majora’s Mask Game Boy adorned with the namesake mask across the front. On the back is the familiar moon along with a graffiti styled title. Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

I already wrote in my last Favorite Zelda Moments editorial — where I discussed the flooded Hyrule — about how I feel The Wind Waker managed better epic presentation and cooler storytelling than most other Zelda games, including Twilight Princess, which is usually the game you’d see praised for cinematic presentation. This week I’d like to discuss a few more related moments: The meetings with the deceased Sages of Hyrule. Now, The Wind Waker is usually considered a pretty cartoony…

The title screen for any video game is very important. With just a few seconds and a blinking “Press Start,” developers have a chance to draw players into their game worlds and get them ready for the hours to come. Over the years the Zelda series has featured numerous well-made title screens, from the iconic music and vistas of the original Legend of Zelda and Ocarina of Time to the chilling view of Termina’s doom that marked Majora’s Mask. Overall,…

This week’s Windmill Hut features a song many of us hold near and dear, the “Wind Waker Title Theme.” This band cover is by YouTuber Tilusankari, combining different types of guitar, drums, and keyboard to create a brilliant masterpiece. Jump on in to pay homage to this amazing artist and song.

So here it is, guys, the last Curiosity Shop before E3! Next week’s going to be one hell of a party, expect some big things! Until then, I’ll try to keep you satiated with some discussion videos. The questions and their timestamps are: (00:30) – You said you wanted less dungeons, but what if the dungeons were done well? (01:15) – What do you think is the hardest game in the series? (02:18) – Do you think Midna will be…

Hey guys! Well, not long now until E3. A little under two weeks! Soon I’m sure we’ll get some much needed confirmation on our theories and desires for Zelda Wii, as well as some pleasant surprises. But until then I thought I’d make a video to go over the big pool of rumors posted here on Zelda Dungeon over the last few months. The rumors I cover in the video come from three main news posts: Zelda Wii Information Leaked…