SuniIs anyone else as excited for Super Smash Bros. as I am? Personally, I still get excited when their website is updated. One great thing about this new game is its ability to satiate Zelda fans. The franchise’s heavy stake in Nintendo makes it one of the central aspects and central fanbases Super Smash Bros. relies on.

In a recent Miiverse post, director Masahiro Sakurai revealed Octoroks would be joining some of the enemies in the new Smash Run mode. Hit the jump to see the actual post.

Only a bit is known about how the Smash Run mode will play out, but it looks fun. The jumble of characters certainly increases its appeal with a Mega Man enemy appearing as well.

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Here is the original page. Thus far we have not been disappointed. We have received several steady playable characters coming back with improved designs plus some killer new Assist Trophies—Midna and Skull Kid—, but the little things matter too such as the Gust Bellows as an item. This is just another exciting addition to what is already going to be a fantastic game.

You can view Sakurai’s feed of Super Smash Bros. news on Miiverse here. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Miiverse

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