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Kit Ellis and Krysta Yang (who previously worked at Nintendo of America for over 10 years, and were also the hosts of the Nintendo Minute web series) recently shared some interesting information about the original Hyrule Warriors in Episode 120 of their own hit Kit & Krysta Podcast. In the “Questions from Our Patreon Subscribers” segment of the show, user Gartooth asked, “When you were working at Nintendo did you ever release a game that other people in the company…

It’s been some time since Nintendo announced their plans for a Zelda movie, but that doesn’t mean fans have stopped thinking about it. There’s so much to be excited about, especially since Wes Ball’s Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes recently hit cinema screens. For those who don’t know, Wes Ball directed that movie, and will also direct the Zelda movie too. I personally loved this movie, and it made me even more excited for what we can expect…

With the news breaking that there will be an announcement regarding Nintendo’s next console in the coming year, it’s natural for fans to speculate about what that console will be. What will it look like? Will it be portable like the Switch? What will the hardware specs be? What will it be called? In the time leading up to an official announcement, we will each form some idea of what we want the Switch successor to be. So, what features…

If you’ve been following current events over the last few months, you’ll know that all is not well in the video game industry. Layoffs, studio closures, and downright baffling decisions have become commonplace. “Restructuring” has been popularized as the soft corporate word to mask negative publicity, but the fact of the matter is that the times are changing and a wave of uncertainty has flooded the market. However, amidst all the turmoil, one company seems to be absent from these…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all over the news and continues to be pushed into the limelight by Big Tech companies. Open AI and Google each had recent public demonstrations of the next iteration of their forthcoming AI services and its new features. One of the eye-catching features demonstrated is the conversational prowess of the AI to eloquently hold dialogue while understanding context and bringing personality and flair in ways that are leaps and bounds more advanced than what Apple’s Siri,…

Folks, it’s high time for us to take a step back and appreciate Link’s status as a courageous hero. When I consider some of the locales – dungeons, especially – he has traversed throughout the years, I’m surprised he doesn’t just face the camera and say “Nope. Not going in there.” Honestly, I don’t know how this guy does it, all while remaining so calm. With that said, let’s put ourselves in his boots today – not as the puppeteer…

Welcome back to “Storytelling Through Sound,” a series of editorials dedicated to the analysis of the major musical themes from every Zelda game. In this edition, we’ll be discussing a very nostalgic track for me: the theme from Dragon Roost Island, as well as its legacy and symbolism throughout the entire Zelda franchise. Without any further ado, let’s jump in!   Dragon Roost Island Once you first meet the King of Red Lions in The Wind Waker, it becomes completely clear…

Not too long ago I finished this rhythm game called Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory, which is a title that centers around you playing through songs from said RPG series. What makes this different compared to more traditional rhythm titles is that they implement the enemies and combat from the franchise into a challenging, yet satisfying experience. As I was wrapping up my time with Melody of Memory, it got me thinking about what would happen if what I experienced…

Earlier this month, an unofficial native PC port of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, titled Zelda64Recomp, made its way online, largely thanks to a new recompilation tool developed by modder Mr-Wiseguy. This tool, known as N64: Recompiled, streamlines the process of decompiling/recompiling Nintendo 64 code, wherein a game’s original code is translated into modern computer code so that it runs natively on PCs, no emulation needed. The Majora’s Mask port was the first demonstration of N64: Recompiled’s utility, but we…

As we eagerly await the arrival of the official Legend of Zelda LEGO set, we continue to be blessed with hard-working fans engineering sets inspired by the franchise. From the Master Sword to a King Gleeok, from the Great Sky Island to the King of Red Lions, and with all sorts of people, places, and things in between, there is already a wealth of independent “LEGO of Zelda” works of art for us to praise. Add to the ever-growing list…