Zelda: Flawed But Excellent Anyway
Posted on August 04 2012 by Axle D. Wilder
Hey there guys! New video discussion. I want to talk about an observation I recently made regarding the series, which is that I think it’s rather flawed. This isn’t a hate video though; I think Zelda is a great series, and that’s the point of this video. The series is flawed, but great anyway, and I want to discuss that. Enjoy! You can watch the video here or check out the embed after the jump.
It relates to a topic I delved into a big in a video on another channel, and basically I think that something can be good even though it’s flawed, and possibly even great. Check out the video for the full details though… and look forward to some awesome bloopers this time!
Can you guess any of the music? And what about you guys? Do you think something can be good even though it’s flawed? Do you think Zelda games tend to be highly flawed or do you think they’re generally not? Tell me in the comments!