Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 11.16.37 AMAs with many things that have to do with The Legend of Zelda franchise, we can spend quite a bit of time talking about Dungeons! There are many reasons fans become hooked on the Zelda series, whether it is the lore that inspires you, the characters, or the gameplay, there are many things that keep us coming back time and time again. It is all a part of a fantastic little puzzle that began long ago, and dungeons are an essential piece of that puzzle. It is probably safe to say that it would be almost impossible to pick your absolute single favorite dungeon and if you are anything like myself, I might be able to narrow it down to my Top Ten favorites. But they would all be on that list for different reasons! Some I enjoyed because of their mechanics, some were because they were the most challenging, and some might be on my list because they were the most visually appealing. No matter why you enjoyed a particular dungeon the fact remains the same, they are a huge part of what makes the Zelda games fantastic!

In this week’s Zelda Dungeon Talks, several staff members comment on which dungeon had the best atmosphere and why. Please feel free to share your own thoughts on the topic as well!

Question: Which Dungeon creates the best atmosphere?


Jon Lett – View Profile

I want to say Skull Woods in A Link Between Worlds, but horror is likely the easiest atmosphere to capture, and what Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess does is a lot more impactful. This iteration of Hyrule Castle is not just impending and ominous, but if you have been to other game’ versions of the castle before, you simply don’t expect this. The music starts as an impressive rendition of the usual theme, and slowly progresses towards Ganondorf’s theme the closer you get to the throne room. The castle, now taken over by Ganondorf’s creatures, has never before felt so threatening and evil.

Kassye Butler – View Profile

In case it wasn’t already obvious, Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game. I love nearly every dungeon the game has to offer, and one sticks out the most-The Temple of Time. And it’s not because of any of the puzzle elements, for that dungeon is super easy. I think I love how familiar and yet mysterious it is. Anyone who played Ocarina of Time knows that the entryway is a near perfect replica of the Temple of Time, so it makes you wonder just what is going on outside the temple as you work to complete it. What are the citizens of Castle Town doing as you lug a giant statue around, destroying bit by bit everything that is breakable. Can they hear your racket? Does the royal family know of the intrusion? What repercussions does your actions in the past have on the future? All these questions, and only our wondering minds to answer.

Alexis Anderson – View Profile

I’ve gushed about the Forest Temple’s ambiance in the past, so I’ll talk about the Tower of the Gods from Wind Waker instead! The most striking feature of this temple is really the music; its use of booming bells and echoing voices give it a sense of significance and sacredness. It can also only be accessed after acquiring the three Goddess Pearls and is the only temple in which the King of Red Lions is necessary for clearance. Considering its meant to test the courage of the true hero, the necessity of these royal items contributes loads to the Tower’s importance.


James Djinn – View Profile

I have always been a fan of those amazing mysterious ancient places, and Hyrule has no shortage of those. But no dungeon ever made me as interested in the setting and story as the City in the Sky in Twilight Princess. I felt like that particular dungeon really brought about an interesting feeling of very ancient and mysterious relic of the past. From the look of all the small details, to the strange and mysterious inhabitants within it, I really thought this one created an amazing atmosphere outside of the standard old dungeon filled with monsters we have seen time and time again.


Kira Koneko

I really enjoyed the Dark Palace from A Link Between Worlds. From the very beginning of the dungeon and the fact that you had to make it through a tall lush green maze undetected, to the moment that you walk upon the entrance of the Dark Palace and all its sinister glory, I was hooked. Upon entering the dungeon and navigating my way through I was definitely not disappointed! I absolutely love the fact that they added light as an additional layer to the puzzles and seeing some of the geometric shapes come to life was something I hadnt expected in a dungeon that seemed more mystical in nature. It made me feel as if this dungeon had an added air of mystery to it and the ending boss in all his bejeweled glory was the icing on the cake.



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