Windmill Hut – Tal Tal Heights Covers
Posted on July 03 2013 by ralphpotato
To coincide with Jordan’s Flute Boy’s Meadow this week, we have for you on Windmill Hut not one, not two, but four different versions of Tal Tal Heights. This popular tune from the end of Link’s Awakening has been covered in varying ways to different effects, but none seem to diverge too far from the intentions of the original theme- to make the player feel excited and accomplished at the same time.
Hit the jump to listen!
First off, if you’re not familiar with the original tune, or if you’d like to know more about it, head on over to this past week’s Flute Boy’s Meadow to listen and for more information.
First up, we have a piano cover. This one gives Tal Tal Heights a sense of grandeur.
Next, Zelda Reorchestrated’s version, which has a full sound and gives a rich feeling.
Now the famous marimbaphone version, which paints a different color than the original.
Finally, after these covers and orchestrations, a full on remix by Disco Dan from Overclocked Remix. This one takes the much more liberty than the other videos above.
Personally I was a more of a fan of the piano cover and orchestration by Zelda Reorchestrated, but I thought all were great versions of Tal Tal Heights. They all kept up a feeling of being rushed and excited, but they did so in their own ways. The first two felt more sonorous, the marimba cover was more playful, and the last remix threw everything but the theme itself out the window.
Even after listening to them all I still love Tal Tal Heights which is really credit to the composer for creating such a stimulating melody.
What did you think? Let us know in the comments!