Tag: YouTube

U.K. YouTube Caddicarus has made a new episode of his Drive Thru Review series, taking a look at Tri Force Heroes. As with his past episodes, the review is quick, short, and concise, so if you are not looking to go through every detail of longer reviews like those of IGN or Gamespot, this is a good way to judge the game. Check out the video after the jump!

A while back, YouTuber HMK made a video during the more speculative stages of the Twilight Princess HD rumors. We already know that this game is going to happen – it is almost 100% guaranteed, really – so that is a mystery solved, but the video he made is more focused on why Nintendo actually decided to remake Twilight Princess. Zelda Wii U is obviously in a dry state in terms of news, and has a LONG way to go…

We Zelda fans are not too different from Kingdom Hearts fans these days. We are waiting for Nintendo to open the floodgates and let us see some new Zelda Wii U suff, and they are waiting around to hear more about Kingdom Hearts 3, like they have for YEARS now. Still, though, news seems to point towards both groups getting news soon. In the mean time, ScrewAttack has thrown together something awesome/controversial to hold all of us over for a…

On Zeldapower924’s YouTube channel an interesting trailer for a Zelda movie was shown. With the title of Zelda: Rising Darkness, it is presented to be very mysterious with a good voice over. Not much is shown as it is a teaser trailer but in it we see what can be presumed to be Gerudo Desert and Kokiri Forest or the Lost Woods. The locations and costumes are presented well and it will be great to see some more news on…

It’s that time of year again! PBG once again pumps out loads of Zelda content for the month of November, and he’s starting it off with a video of him hacking Skyward Sword, a game that I think most are going to be perfectly fine seeing totally messed with. Trust us. Hilarity ensues. He has also started playing hacked Skyward Sword on his gaming channel, so make sure to check that out, too! Check out the videos after the jump!

Good news! According to Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima has confirmed that Nintendo Directs are still alive, and that one is coming by the end of the year! This could be very good for Zelda fans, and we could hear about Zelda Wii U, or a number of other things! The Direct is unlikely to drop this month, but November and even December are looking good, so here’s hoping we see it soon! Hit the just for a Tweet leading to…

Every played the Zelda Collector’s Edition Promotional Disk on Gamecube? Before The Wind Waker came out, Nintendo made a special disk that let Gamecube owners play the first two Zelda games, and both N64 titles, and even a few The Wind Waker demos! It was a sweet collector’s item, and nowadays, it goes for pretty high prices on eBay, so it must be pretty good. Though, what if a new one was made? It was a neat idea to give…

In one of Dr.Wily’s latest videos he speculated that the Master Sword and Link were what doomed Lorule in A Link Between Worlds. It explored the idea of the Master Sword being made from master ores and predicts the master ores present in Lorule were supposed to be used to create a Lorule Master Sword. In A Link Between Worlds Link takes the master ores from Lorule and puts them to use by upgrading the master sword. It was stated…

In the latest edition of Nintendo Minute the team played Tri Force Heroes and were joined by Adam. They showed off some of the outfits and had loads of fun while working together to complete the levels. They worked quite well together and demonstrated how the game will play if you have some good communication while playing with friends. Check out the video after the jump! Jarrod HadrianI have been gaming for my whole life and Ocarina of Time was…

Tri Force Heroes has been out for long enough for many to have tried out the multiplayer mode, whether online or local, and many are going on the mindset that they do not like playing with strangers, so they instead go through the adventures with their friends only. Though, will these people still be friends after all is said and done? Nintendo is no stranger to making multiplayer games that make people hate eachother during gameplay, for one reason or…