maxresdefaultU.K. YouTube Caddicarus has made a new episode of his Drive Thru Review series, taking a look at Tri Force Heroes. As with his past episodes, the review is quick, short, and concise, so if you are not looking to go through every detail of longer reviews like those of IGN or Gamespot, this is a good way to judge the game.

Check out the video after the jump!

I must say, I agree with most of the points Caddie made. I never did feel like I was on “an epic quest” in any level I have played so far. The story is not exactly very helpful in that aspect either. Even the plot of the least story-driven Zeldas still feel like you are on an adventure to save the world from someone evil, or to save someone important from the clutches of a cruel beast. This time, while it was meant to be funny, it is unimpressive. I honestly think that this game could strip off every Zelda element, and it would be a rather average game with an fun set of levels and challenges. I sure hope the next portable Zelda is on par with A Link Between Worlds.

Did you you agree with this review? How have you been liking the game so far? Drop a comment!

Source: Youtube

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