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Unleash your inner nerd. This fan video made by director Grant Duffrin, who also plays Link in the video, takes place just after the events in Ocarina of Time. The video is really well made from the costumes to the acting and the graphics are pretty impressive too! Enjoy this hilarious video that takes a jab at the convoluted Zelda timeline.

A fundamental aspect of the Zelda series starting with the very first game in 1986 was the acquisition and use of various items and weapons to help Link in his quest to defeat Ganon, rescue the princess, and save Hyrule. Instead of beginning the first game with a sword in hand, Link begins with absolutely nothing. He acquires his sword from a mysterious old man in a nearby cave. This shows players that discovering secrets and obtaining items from them…

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a game with some truly revolutionizing techniques that helped shape the rest of the series. It also enhanced many of the techniques from the older games and built upon their themes and stories. But was it a truly amazing game, or was it just an average game that people have over-glorified? Well, we think that it was an amazing game, even though it could be very much improved with today’s…

Hyrule has been portrayed as a very magical place, from its creation, the hidden structures hidden throughout, to the very people that inhabit the land. Magic is everywhere. The mystical forces that few can use and fewer can master appear in every Zelda title— sometimes as a direct intervention from a deity or fairy, sometimes as a spell cast from a character, and most often in the form of a helpful item that Link can carry and use when needed….

Perhaps one of the most argued topics in Zelda timeline debates today is the Seal War, also at times referred to as the Imprisoning War. Theorists often question if what was once the story of the Seal War has become something different or altered today. Players first learned of the Seal War in A Link to the Past, but since, Nintendo has made multiple efforts in altering or changing the story. However, no title thus far has taken place during…

Well dang, guys! E3’s less than a week away. Only a few days really! Another video, sort of related. This one doesn’t actually specifically talk about Zelda Wii, but rather some things that have been suggested for the Zelda series that a lot of people have been talking about. Some of them have talked about them in Zelda Wii (as is inevitable when discussing future ideas). It seemed appropriate for me to go over them. Some of these are ideas…

So here it is, guys, the last Curiosity Shop before E3! Next week’s going to be one hell of a party, expect some big things! Until then, I’ll try to keep you satiated with some discussion videos. The questions and their timestamps are: (00:30) – You said you wanted less dungeons, but what if the dungeons were done well? (01:15) – What do you think is the hardest game in the series? (02:18) – Do you think Midna will be…

Hey there guys! Got a new discussion video for you! In order to keep something of a Zelda Wii theme this week, I’ve made a Zelda Wii video to go along with the Zelda Wii themed mailbag earlier this week. This video is a list of things I’d like to see in Zelda Wii, and in some cases I discuss the merits and the likelihood of seeing these come true. It’s quite packed, actually. Some of the subjects I cover…

Hey hey hey you guys! Got Curiosity Shop #11 for you! Haha, sorry if you were expecting the question count to be bigger again. It’s only 11 this time. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be able to pass 12. Maybe if I have a lot of tiny questions sometime! Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What are your favorite and least favorite bosses? (01:39) – Is there anything you like about Twilight Princess?…

8th mailbag is here! Got a lot of questions this time, too! A total of 8. That’s more than usual for me. We also have a bunch of crazy songs. Again, I dare you to name all 8 songs! (Hey, 8 questions, 8 songs!) Although if you don’t play a wide array of games other than Zelda, you might not be able to guess them all… The questions and their timestamps are: (00:09) – Do you feel TWW was under-appreciated?…