Tag: Game

Early “leaked” evidence of new games crop up all the time, particularly screenshots, and with a series as significant as Zelda that has as energetic of a fanbase as it does, it’s no surprise that we see them a lot. Quite often these are not real, like the infamous “Valley of the Flood” or “The Wind Waker HD”, and we have another surely fake pair of screenshots for you today. A supposed Zelda title for the 3DS, its Japanese title…

Zelda games have consisted of some of the most unique and desirable formulae in video game history. The gameplay is so well put together and addicting that many companies have tried to implement the formula into their own games, while still retaining their own originality. If you have played all the Zelda games and have gotten all the enjoyment you possibly can out of each one, then take a look at this slideshow that Gameranx has put together, which consists…

Hey guys! New video discussion. This isn’t really supposed to be about me making a point this time, although I guess I still try to do that at the end. This video is simply some thoughts on a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot lately… which is the idea of Zelda games as totally standalone experiences not meant to connect to the other games in the series. You can watch the video here or view the video embed after…

Want to spice up your room with some awesome Zelda neon signs? We saw some of these in May, but now we are seeing a different design altogether that somewhat resembles the original Legend of Zelda box-art logo. It differs a little from the actual logo; a hardcore Zelda fan will notice the difference. See more images after the jump.

DRest806 has posted up a video review about his custom Legend of Zelda board game that he created. In the review he explains how it is played and demonstrates his instructions by using the game pieces. During the video he also explains how he made some of the board game pieces such as the Link, Wall Master, and bridge pieces. He also mentions in the video’s description that he will be posting up how to make this game at BoardGameGeek.com’s…

Dan Restaino aka DRest806 has created his own Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past board game. He started working on it during last summer and he spent about $400 or more and put about 4 months of work into the project. He based the gameplay of an old board game called ‘Key to the Kingdom’. Here’s how he explained how he made it: I designed the board in photoshop, copying and pasting carefully all the SNES sprites from…

Recently, IGN made a list of the top 100 video game weapons. The list started it’s countdown with the Gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII and continued until it came to the number one spot. Featuring countless classic and new weapons from many different video game series, the list had everything from the Pokeball which came in at 55 to Darksider’s Chaoseater which came in at 83. Although I don’t completely agree with a lot of the placements on the list…

With the recent release of Skyward Sword and the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, many fans have started questioning the series as of lately. While I admit several titles have lived in the shadow of a Ocarina of Time and not until recently with the release of Skyward Sword has the franchise been able break free from this dark resting area. This, the release of the Hyrule Historia, and the timeline has gotten many fans thinking the series…

According to Nintendo Everything, Eiji Aonuma has mentioned somewhere in the pages of Game Informer’s latest magazine that Skyward Sword’s artwork style and it’s story will more than likely not appear in another Zelda game. Here’s what Eiji said: “With Wind Waker, the graphics were suited to handheld gaming. Also the game ended with Link embarking on a journey, so it left open the possibility of what comes after the game. With Skyward Sword, positioning it as the first Zelda…

An article over at Spike.com says The Legend of Zelda series will be the first franchise to enter the Video Game Hall of Fame. This is an extreme honor and it gives Zelda the praise it deserves as it is a video game series that has touched the hearts of many gamers as well as having been a game series that has been around for 25 years! Here’s an excerpt from the article talking about the series’ induction into the…