With the recent release of Skyward Sword and the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda, many fans have started questioning the series as of lately. While I admit several titles have lived in the shadow of a Ocarina of Time and not until recently with the release of Skyward Sword has the franchise been able break free from this dark resting area. This, the release of the Hyrule Historia, and the timeline has gotten many fans thinking the series has ran out of ideas and in some way needs a complete reboot.

When people start talking about this subject and how it took thirteen years for Nintendo to finally release a title that could break free from the shadows of OoT, it makes me think of how the next release will hold up. Not only will it be compared to Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time, but it will be one of the most anticipated games for the Wii U as well. The next console Zelda title will have some huge shoes to fill and will need to be The Ultimate Zelda experience. I think this is exactly what Jeffrey Matulef was thinking when he wrote his article on what he thinks it would take to build the ultimate Zelda game. Make the jump for more about his article.

“What’s your favourite Zelda?” It’s a question I’ve heard time and time again, yet the truth is I don’t have a favourite Zelda. I feel almost every one does something unique and different that distinguishes it from the rest of the series in my mind. Majora’s Mask had its anxious time system and melancholy tone, Wind Waker its gorgeous cel-shaded open world; Twilight Princess was a more mechanically refined version of Ocarina of Time, Phantom Hourglass pioneered how to make a Zelda game on the touch screen before Spirit Tracks perfected it, and Skyward Sword made motion controls work.

Yet even a dyed-in-the-wool Zelda fanboy like me has to admit that after a quarter century, the series is in danger of going stale. Each Zelda has a wondrous world to explore, brain-busting dungeons, quirky characters and moments of serene beauty, but they can feel like they’re drawing from the same well too often. The franchise could use some shaking up.

Rather than see Zelda go the way of Mega-Man, I figured it was high time to look back at some of the most inspired choices the series has made. Which of them could be combined to make the (drumroll please)… Ultimate Zelda?

To continue reading his article on the ultimate Zelda, click here. The ultimate Zelda game is something Nintendo unknowingly accomplished with Ocarina of Time. Later they tried with Twilight Princess as it seemed to be an epic version of OoT. I think it just never escaped the mold of OoT, tried too hard, and in the end, didn’t pull through. With Skyward Sword, Nintendo did an outstanding job of pulling key elements from different Zelda titles and with the introduction of motion controls created a fresh experience out of familiar gameplay. I’m curious to know whether you think Nintendo should do the same with the next Zelda and continue to combine the greatest parts of each game or come up with a brand new experiences entirely. Let us know what your ultimate Zelda game would be.

Source: IGN

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