Tag: fanbase

Women have a right to be picky when it comes to their bras. After all, they’re entrusting their breasts to a piece of fabric and wire, and it has to be as close to perfect as possible. Being stuck in an uncomfortable bra can make an otherwise fine day truly miserable. Choosing a bra isn’t always an easy decision, but it’s hard to go wrong with this cool Legend of Zelda design… 

YouTuber VortexxyGaming has caught our attention yet again with another excellent theory. This theory is in regards to the Temple of Time and it’s purpose throughout each entry in the timeline…

Even if fans can’t bring themselves to play Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, they have to admit it had some great music. One of the most memorable 8-bit tunes from the game was the battle theme, and one acoustic guitarist has decided to perform his own version of the popular song…

The Zelda-loving jazz quartet known as the Consouls has taken yet another Zelda tune and made it their own. This time, they’ve performed their own version of the Lost Woods theme, which is also known as Saria’s Song

Tired of planet Earth? Ever wished to just obliterate it by crashing a moon down upon those who don’t enjoy playing Zelda games? One fan found a solution by 3D printing his own Majora’s Mask… 

Everything is better with Zelda in it; that’s a known fact. This includes the popular game of Minecraft. A new mod called “Heroes of Hyrule” has been released for Minecraft that adds a big ol’ chunk of Hyrule right into the game.

One of the many reasons that I love The Legend of Zelda is the fan art. The overwhelming mass of talented fans so dedicated as to create a piece of fan art is amazing.

This begs the question, what is fan art? Is the title “fan art” limited to a drawing/painting?

Majora’s Mask fans remember having trouble getting that pesky Deku Palace theme music out of their head. Once they heard it, they found themselves humming it during every second of silence… taking out the trash, showering, walking down the sidewalk, etc. There was no escape until it faded away on its own. Well, now they can get a completely new version stuck in their heads, a really cool acoustic version…

Zelda fans can be really talented when it comes to expressing their love for the series. They can produce beautiful artwork, unbelievable crafts, and wonderful-sounding music. A YouTube user by the name of VGM has done just that by creating a metal-guitar remix of the field theme from Twilight Princess

The excitement of playing a Legend of Zelda title and opening a treasure chest is a fond memory most fans who repeatedly play the games have, but residents of Austin, Texas can take that excitement one step further thanks to a die-hard crafter by the name of Ez…