Minecraft Gets A New Zelda Modpack

Courtesy: DeviantArt User: Hero of Hyrule

Everything is better with Zelda in it; that’s a known fact. This includes the popular game of Minecraft. A new mod called “Heroes of Hyrule” has been released for Minecraft that adds a big ol’ chunk of Hyrule right into the game.

Minecraft, for those that don’t know, is a video game where players build things out of blocks. There are dozens of materials to make things out of, and some fans like to modify the game to add in other elements. In this case, a fan of both Minecraft and The Legend of Zelda created a mod that mixes the two together.

The modder known as Hyrulian released his mod on TechnicPack, and it’s free to download and install. The mod is only available for the PC version of the game and hasn’t been made available on different consoles yet.

The aim for Hyrulian when creating the mod pack was to “bring users a Legend of Zelda experience inside of Minecraft by adding mods that create that overall Zelda game feel.”

A lore was also included with the description:

Amongst Hyrule’s massive bounties of Links and Zeldas, they must have all come from somewhere. Welcome to Southern Hyrule. This land lies just beyond the hills of Lake Hylia, and it is where all heroes are born. Ever since The Force Era, heroes have been born in this province, where they are sent off into the wilderness to train in hopes that they will become the next heroes.

To learn how to install a Minecraft mod, click here.

Will you download this mod pack and give it a try?

Source: TechnicPack

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