Here is the third video from Official Nintendo Magazine from their interview with Zelda Williams. Today, Zelda talks about what kind of games she typically likes to play, saying that games such as Grand Theft Auto bore her and that she much prefers old school games like Super Mario Land and Tetris for the Gameboy. There are still a few days left in Zelda week so you can expect a couple more videos. Be sure to keep checking back the rest of the week to see them all. If you missed the previous videos, follow the links to see what Zelda had to say about bad pick-up lines and Majora’s Mask.

I don’t play Grand Theft Auto and I have never really been inclined to. However, my roommate plays it and she seems to have fun. What I do play is the Tetris game that was shown in the video. I love that game and still play it when I have the time. I am the best at Tetris and could easily play it for hours.

What do you guys think? Do you play Grand Theft Auto? Do you think it is a boring game? Do you think the old school games like Tetris and Mario are better? Do you enjoy Tetris as much as I do? Tell us in the comments and keep checking back for updates!

Source: Official Nintendo Magazine

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