zelda3dsxl618pxhedimgTo some, it may be no surprise that both Legend of Zelda 3DS titles, Ocarina of Time 3D and A Link Between Worlds currently remain on the Top 10 list of of best selling 3DS games to date. According to a Nintendo’s latest Press Report, both games combined have sold over an astounding 2.48 million copies in the U.S. alone.

Check out more of the report after the jump.

While the dominating top 10 3DS titles are from some of Nintendo’s strongest franchises, Ocarina of Time 3D and A Link Between Worlds have managed to continue a successful trend of steady sales since their releases. The following statistics are from the 3DS portion from Nintendo’s report. If you would like to read the full report and all of it’s coverage, you can find it here.

The continued strength of the Nintendo 3DS platform can be attributed to the breadth and quality of its overall lineup of software. To date, more than 40 million Nintendo 3DS software units have been sold in the United States alone. This includes 41 titles with a Metacritic score of 80 or higher, seven of which have a score of 90 or higher; and nine games that have sold at least 1 million units in the U.S. alone:

Mario Kart 7: 3.48 million
Super Mario 3D Land: 3.09 million
New Super Mario Bros. 2: 2.28 million
Pokémon X: 2.10 million
Pokémon Y: 2.01 million
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: 1.39 million
Animal Crossing: New Leaf: 1.36 million
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon: 1.33 million
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds: 1.09 million

What do you think of both the 3DS Zelda titles and how successful they were for Nintendo? Do you think they will still be among the best selling 3DS games in the future? Be sure to tell us in the comments!

Source: Nintendo World Report