New Abilities and Enemies in Tears of the Kingdom! | NEW Zelda Dungeon Mailbag
Posted on April 10 2023 by David Lasby
The Zelda Dungeon YouTube crew are back again; this time, Gooey, Nico, and Corey are reading and reacting messages from the community in a good-old-fashioned mailbag episode!
Many of the questions focus on the new weapons and abilities featured in the latest Tears of the Kingdom gameplay footage. The crew also discusses what new abilities or runes they hope Link will have, such as shrinking and enlarging, multiplying items, and more. Another fun discussion question centers on the three-headed dragon, which most assume will be Gleeok; a community member asks which other classic Zelda bosses the crew would love to see in Tears of the Kingdom.
For more great content from the Zelda Dungeon YouTube team, click here.
Tell us what you think! Which mailbag question and response was your favorite? Share your reactions in the comments below.
I’m a life-long fan of video games and have been playing since I got my NES in the 1980s. The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros., Aliens, and Halo are some of my favorite game franchises. I write for several sites, including Zelda Dungeon, Boss Rush Network, and The Mighty. Find me on Twitter to check out my other content!