Since its first debut in A Link to the Past, “Princess Zelda’s Theme” has remained iconic. Being one of many elements from the 1991 release that became a staple of the franchise, this soothing melody remains vivid in our memories, even now, after so many years. In 1998, Ocarina of Time saw this song return as “Zelda’s Lullaby” and now it’s hard to imagine key scenes from Zelda games without it.

With the combined talents of various artists, OverClocked ReMix recently uploaded this jazz-heavy, re-envisioned fan arrangement of “Princess Zelda’s Theme”. The remix is titled “To See Like Me” and features lyrics by a female singer. Reminiscent of Princess Zelda’s grace and elegance, the vocalist sings the lyrics beautifully. For me, a line that particularly stands out is:

Can you hear my voice, as it clears the void?

Additionally, instruments such as piano, saxophone, and clarinet swing with syncopated and intricate rhythms that work to re-imagine the original song wonderfully.

Did you like this remix? What do you think about hearing Zelda songs in other genres? Let us know in the comments below!

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