Just in time for the holidays, GameStop will be giving away a free poster with the purchase of a new (not pre-owned) copy of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The posters come in two different designs, one featuring an expanded view of the game’s cover art and the other showing off Link in his Archaic outfit wielding the Master Sword. If you plan on buying this 2023 Game of the Year nominee for yourself, family, or a friend this holiday season, these posters will be a great addition under the tree.

If online orders are more your style, don’t fret. You can print your order confirmation page and bring it to a GameStop to receive a poster all the same. The website doesn’t mention an end-date for this deal however, so be sure to get one while supplies last. GameStop even suggests calling your store ahead of time to check availability, so it seems supplies may be quite limited.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase through GameStop for $69.99 USD. Both posters are also available for purchase on GameStop’s website, both for $9.99 USD; the cover art poster is available here and the Archaic Link poster is available here.

So tell us, are you getting Tears of the Kingdom for a special someone this holiday season? Will you be nabbing one of these posters in the process? What other Zelda goodies are on your wish list this year? Let us know in the comments!

Source: GameStop (via Wario 64)

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