I remember when I played through my first Zelda game–Ocarina of Time–for the first time. The graphics were amazing (which is hilarious when compared to how far we’ve come now graphic-wise), the story was fantastic as I got to see Link grow from a little kid to a fierce hero, and lets not forget those twists and turns (Spoiler Alert: Sheik is Zelda. Who even saw that coming?). And with every game in the series I’ve played since then, as soon as I finish every epic journey, my reaction is always the same: I want to be able to experience the hype and surprises and immerse myself in each of the worlds for the first time again.

Few things are quite as magical as your first time playing through a fantastic adventure, regardless if it’s one with Link and Zelda or a whole different video game. The secrets you can discover, the seemingly endless exploration that unfolds, and the sheer excitement of not knowing what to expect next is simply magical to say the least. Nothing adds a certain zest to life like playing through a brand new video game. Thankfully a new adventure and first-time play through is once again on the horizon with the the release of the Breath of the Wild sequel in 2022. I can’t wait!

But with that being said, what Zelda game would you give anything to play through for the first time again? I know mine would definitely be Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, and Breath of the Wild (my favorites). But what about you? Let me know in the comments!

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