Author: Chakell Herbert

Sneaking around the Gerudo Fortress, hiding in the shadows of the Yiga Clan Hideout, and even freezing in place under a barrel in The Forsaken Fortress are just some of the heart-pounding stealth missions in the Zelda series. To be honest, I actually love stealth missions. I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s something about the added tension of Link not being able to defend himself that really raises the stakes for me! I have a lot…

Since the release of the trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, I have been fascinated by the purple, bottomless rift that sucks our favorite hero away. What is it? Where did it come from? Where is it sending the people it swallows? Seeing that this game likely falls into the Downfall Timeline which often features stories with alternate worlds like Lorule from A Link Between Worlds or the Dark World in A Link to the Past, I…

Theories have been flooding the Zelda fandom since the announcement of Echoes of Wisdom last month! From discussions about dungeons, to the Triforce, to other story elements, fans are trying to piece together possible plot points that we can expect in September. However, with the release of the cover art for the much-anticipated game, Link looks… interesting. He is shrouded in the purple mist from the “void” he fell into and his facial expression is angry and menacing. Maybe the…

Having recently done my first ever play through of Four Swords with its release on Nintendo Switch Online, multiplayer Zelda has been fresh on my mind. Throughout the many games in the series, there are only a select few that include multiplayer options — namely Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Tri Force Heroes, and a few side minigames in Spirit Tracks. Most of these games were created to be played on handheld consoles like the Nintendo DS or the Game…

There is no such thing as a bad Zelda game. They are all brilliant in their own way. However, some of the games’ opening sequences have shined a bit brighter than others. For example, in the recent Tears of the Kingdom, you’re immediately thrown into the action, which is similar to Majora’s Mask‘s first few chaotic moments. Then there are more chill yet enjoyable openings, like that of The Wind Waker, where you see a glimpse at Link’s carefree life…

It’s happened! We finally have a Zelda game where our favorite princess is the main protagonist! (Let’s put the CD-i game far behind us and pretend it never happened.) In Echoes of Wisdom, we get to see Princess Zelda as our leading lady and being given a chance to shine in her own element. Instead of handing her a sword and making her a female Link, she gets to show off her inherit wisdom and magic, crafting her own unique…

Year after year, without fail, it seems that Ocarina of Time never loses momentum in the Zelda community. Going on almost 30 years since release, it still lands in the top spot on the official Zelda Dungeon ranking each year. It’s also one of the games that’s most frequently talked about in the fandom, with fans still trying to piece together unanswered questions and theorize about every ambiguous corner of this version of Hyrule. We know that this game made…

Throughout the years, we have seen many iterations of the princess with the blood of the Goddess Hylia. Each incarnation has had to deal with her own challenges unique to her era of Hyrule, and often, each one is equipped with unworldly powers, and sometimes, as a plus, the Triforce of Wisdom. We’ve seen Princess Zelda accomplish unimaginable feats in her many appearances, but which princess of Hyrule rules them all? Which one is the most powerful? Twilight Princess’ Zelda…

With Breath of the Wild‘s version of Zelda having appeared in three different games showcasing her fantastic character arc, she has now become my favorite incarnation of the Princess of Hyrule. Recently, I have been revisiting the start of her story in Breath of the Wild and it’s been fascinating to see how far she has come when compared to her future self in Tears of the Kingdom. However, something that I have always wondered about is this powerful princess’…

Therapy is fantastic. In fact, as someone who has done a lot of inner work with a therapist, I am a huge advocate for therapy! I have also been playing through Breath of the Wild again recently and it’s had me thinking: Link and Zelda have been through so much trauma in so many lifetimes. Honestly, they are such resilient characters. Every incarnation has to face unimaginable difficult challenges and circumstances. In Ocarina of Time, Link loses seven years of…