We are going on two months since the release of Tears of the Kingdom, meaning that many fans have likely finished most of the game’s story and tasks (with a few exceptions for those who are spending all their time on the shenanigans of building). However, it wouldn’t surprise me if in the next few months, we get an announcement for downloadable content (DLC) for this masterpiece of a game.

Breath of the Wild had two separate releases of DLC, one being about the Trial of the Sword, and the Champion’s Ballad, which included cutscenes, story elements, another dungeon, and a freaking motorcycle of all things. Adding those challenges really made that game feel complete to me! I’m hoping that Tears of the Kingdom will include DLC that adds some more flavorful storytelling.

One idea I would love to see come to fruition is allowing us to play in Zelda’s perspective in ancient Hyrule. From the look of the cutscenes alone, that version of Hyrule is immensely different from the one we have explored from heavens to Depths! And speaking of the Depths–what are they? Can we possibly learn more about this underworld esque area of Hyrule? I would love some more explanation for this massive dark world in the DLC.

However, I am mostly longing for more time on screen spent with Link and Zelda–together. They have been separated for 90% of Breath of the Wild and this sequel, and I would love to see their relationship with each other blossom more on-screen in the DLC. Setting a part of the DLC post-Ganondorf’s defeat would be chefs kiss for me.

What are you wanting from Tears of the Kingdom DLC? Let me know in the comments!

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