In the beginning, Link was meant to be an actual link. One between the player and the game. In essence, he was a sort of avatar. But as the years have gone by, he’s become his own character with thoughts and feelings (I’m still waiting for all of his diary entries in the Japanese version of Breath of the Wild to be released in English.)

But in my eyes, regardless if he is a silent protagonist, my favorite versions of Link are the more expressive ones. Wind Waker Link and Skyward Sword Link stand out in particular when it comes to expressing the most human emotions. As much as he’s supposed to have that stoic hero persona, I love seeing his human side. His facial expressions just make him so much more relatable because you can see what he’s really feeling. And let’s face it, his quests are anything but a walk in the park, so he should have a chance to be super angry, frustrated, or even sad at times.

Some of the most memorable moments of the series are definitely when Link was visibly moved. He was enraged when Ghirahim abducted Zelda near the end of Skyward Sword. Link then let out a sob when Zelda sealed herself away. Another moment comes when Wind Waker Link unknowingly runs off a cliff in absolute panic as he chases after his sister when she was snatched by the Helmrock King. I was absolutely gutted for him when I first played through that masterpiece.

And let’s not forget the moments where Breath of the Wild Link’s personality shines through his expressions, despite his knightly duty to be stoic. From his look of curiosity and sincere interest in the Silent Princess memory with Zelda, to the heartbreak and somberness in his eyes when Zelda cries into his arms in the forest, we see his emotional investment. His look of absolute determination as he clenches his fists at hearing Zelda’s voice after collecting all his memories. I read those nonverbal cues as his reaction to being reminded that it’s not over. He can still end Calamity Ganon’s terror. And what’s more, he can still save her.

I get chills every time, guys.

These more recent versions of Link give me hope that we will see more emotional Links in the future (I’m looking at you, Breath of the Wild 2). Because honestly, what I love most about a story is being able to experience all the emotions with the hero along the way. I love the feels.

What about you? Do you want more emotion from our hero? Let me know in the comments!


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