Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a classic and time-honored novel about a miser named Ebenezer Scrooge. This wealthy broker cared for nothing but money and amassed a great fortune at the cost of his humanity and decency. The night before Christmas, three ghosts sequentially appear to Scrooge and show him visions of his past, present, and future. The horrified Scrooge realizes, almost too late, that his life of selfishness had been wasted. He resolves to change his ways and is spared a grim fate. From that day on, the miser lives a better life and conveys a newfound sense of happiness and gratitude that had previously been lacking.

Since A Christmas Carol is so popular, lets have some fun with it. Pick someone you don’t like from the Zelda series to be Scrooge. Now, who would be your choice for the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future? The Ghost of Christmas Past serves as a guide for Scrooge, taking the old skinflint through the highs and lows of his previous years. This ghost is dutiful and helpful, if a bit distant. I think Navi the Fairy from Ocarina of Time could make a good fit for this role. The Ghost of Present is commonly depicted as a large man who is feasting on holiday foods. Daruk is both jovial and constantly munching on his favorite rock treats. His deep gravelly voice would do nicely for this part. Finally we have the Ghost of Christmas Future. This ghost is the most ominous of the three, and will show you a dark fate if your life isn’t lived well. It was hard to cast this one, as there any many creepy figures in the Zelda games that would work. After a while, I settled on Death Sword from Twilight Princess. This grim reaper is as malevolent a ghost as can be found across the games.

Those are my picks. Who do you think would best fit the role of the three ghosts? Let us know in the comments.


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