Over the months since Tears of the Kingdom was released, I have tried to uncover every nook and cranny of this game, as well as the story and lore it adds to my favorite series of all time. As much as I love it though, this adventure doesn’t come without flaws. I adore the ambiguity of the Legend of Zelda series that allows us super fans to conspire and theorize about what’s really going on, but some of the unanswered questions in this game left a bit to be desired in my eyes.

As someone who enjoys when a story is wrapped up nicely, I found that some plot points had open-ended conclusions or were left unexplained, and my need for closure continues to itch for answers.

A few of those unanswered questions for me include:

  • Where is Kass? Where did this beloved bird who accompanied us with his musical genius in Breath of the Wild go?
  • Why do we not know more about the Depths?
  • Did Zelda always have power over time? I thought she simply inherited sacred power from Skyward Sword’s Zelda (the incarnation of Hylia) in the past.
  • Did Sonia and Rauru have a child? How is Zelda descended from them if they both died without children?
  • When Link is teaching the children the lesson about the Calamity in Hateno Village, why on earth does neither he nor Symin mention that Link was the great hero who saved them all?
  • How did Link transform Zelda in the end?
  • Where does this universe fall in the timeline?
  • And most importantly: Are Zelda and Link living together?!

So many questions. So few answers. I understand that some of these questions are meant to be ambiguous — such as the one about Zelda and Link’s relationship — giving us the chance to interpret things ourselves. However, in cases like the decision to omit Kass and give us no information about him, I’m left unsatisfied. I wish Nintendo would have released DLC that would have answered a few of these questions and given us some more concrete resolutions. But, without that canon closure I’m seeking, I’ll just have to come up with my own answers and theories until I’m content.

What unanswered questions in Tears of the Kingdom were unsatisfactory to you? What would you have done differently? Let us know in the comments!

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