Category: Site Updates

Welcome back to your bi-weekly digest of all things Zelda speedrunning. Having stopped crying from the result of The Best Zelda Ever 2018 results, and having calmed down from the arguments which ensued in the staff chat, I’m just about ready to return to normal service. Just let me 100% Triforce Heroes one more time…   Now Playing A new type of speedrunning marathon is coming soon! Bingothon is a charity event, which will be hosted by speedrunslive and is raising money for the Doctors Without Borders….

It’s that time of the week again! No, not “just Tuesday”, it’s the latest edition of Zelda Runners. Missed out on the Mini Games Done Quick marathon at TwitchCon? Fear not, you can find details of that below. In Glitch Exhibition, we’re going full escapism mode, looking at the various methods used to escape early game locations. And, in Spotlight, we’re chatting to a Breath of the Wild runner about the game’s recent breakthroughs. This is a big-yun, so let’s…

Ladies and gentleman, my name is Kristen. Rosario. And I am your host for the CAVE OF TRIALS! We are now entering the semifinals as round three of the Halloween Havoc Tournament is underway! Our 16 competitors have been sliced and diced to just four as we are inching closer and closer to the first champion of my NEW ERA! With all of that out of the way, let us take a current look at the tournament standing after the…

Earlier this year, Nintendo announced through their Nintendo Versus Twitter account that a new wave of  Super Smash Bros. series amiibo would be accompanying the launch of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate later this holiday. In that same announcement they revealed that “select” previously released Smash amiibo would also be getting re-released later this year. It seems that time has finally come as we’ve begun to see them pop up on store shelves! After doing a little digging we found that Target…

Ladies and gentleman, my name is Kristen. Rosario. And I am your host for the CAVE OF TRIALS! We are finally entering the quarterfinals as round two of the Halloween Havoc Tournament is underway! Our 16 competitors have been sliced down by half and we are inching closer and closer to the first champion of my NEW ERA! With all of that opening dialogue out of the way, let us take a current look at the tournament standing after the…

A new exploit using Breath of the Wild‘s bullet-time and shield surfing mechanic has been discovered. Named as Bullet Time Bounce (or BTB for short), this allows runners to send Link flying through the air at incredible speeds, covering large distances in shorter times than ever before. You can see an example of it in action in the featured video! Initially discovered by runner NP_0710, this set glitch hunters into action, desperately trying to discover why this glitch occurs and, more importantly, how…

With the release of Breath of the Wild, there are now seemingly endless treasures in The Legend of Zelda series. These items are most often used for upgrading some aspect of Link’s equipment, but lots of them also just look really frickin’ cool! From their first appearance in Phantom Hourglass to the aforementioned Breath of the Wild, the many treasures have been begging to be made into real life trinkets. Most of my favorite treasures come from Skyward Sword. A miniature Golden Skull would look nice…

Welcome back to the latest edition of Zelda Runners! This week, we’re talking Games Done Quick, even more Breath of the Wild (when will we stop breaking this poor game?) and, in Glitch Exhibition, we’re taking a look at the enemy mechanics in the beloved Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Of course, there’s more to the article than I can fit in the introduction (otherwise it wouldn’t be an introduction), so without further ado, let’s take a look at the…

Ladies and gentleman, my name is Kristen. Rosario. And I am your host for the CAVE OF TRIALS! Now before we get started on what is sure to be a very thrilling second half of round one for the Halloween Havoc Tournament, I like to address an issue a commenter brought up brought up last week and that’s favoritism. Now I did say that the 16 competitors were chosen by me, but only because of what unique match ups they…

Ladies and gentleman, my name is Kristen. Rosario. And I am the new host of CAVE OF TRIALS! The one known as Gooey Fame has been swiftly terminated from his hosting duties. And when I mean terminated, I mean superkicked into a dumpster fire by yours truly. With that mess take care of, it’s time to crown a new champion. That’s right folks, I will be stripping Princess Zelda of the title and crowning a new champion! She does not…