Category: Inspired By Zelda

Welcome back to another (early!) edition of Inspired By Zelda! This week on the docket… Aragami: Shadow Edition for the Nintendo Switch, with the original Aragami title also available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, developed and published by Lince Works. Now, I should probably state right away that this isn’t as “Zelda-y” as I kind of thought it would be. It would probably be more apt to say that this game caught my eye because the art style looked…

Hello everyone! After a month off after the holidays, Inspired By Zelda is back and kicking off 2019 with a flurry of great games that pay homage to the Legend of Zelda series! We’re diving right in this month into the swashbuckling adventure that is Oceanhorn! Let’s go! Oceanhorn: Monsters of the Sea, developed by Finnish-based studios Cornfox & Bros. and published by FDG Entertainment, and available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and mobile, is a Zelda-like game in…

There’s no other way to put it: Anodyne is fricken’ crazy. Don’t get the wrong idea about that either – it’s crazy in a wonderful, beautiful way. But after finishing the main campaign and exploring the land of Anodyne (aptly named The Land), I can’t really think of a better way to put it. But let’s back up for a second and start from the beginning. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is one of my favorite Zelda titles. Part…

Hello folks, and welcome back to Inspired By Zelda! This month was originally going to focus on a creepy 2D Link’s Awakening-esq game named Anodyne, but as time was a scarce resource this month, so unfortunately, that think-piece will have to wait until next month. To make it up to everybody, I had a chance to chat with the Lead Developer of Stranger Things: The Game Dave Pottinger about the game, and I’m here to share that with you! We…

I remember watching the trailer for Mulaka for the first time. It struck me just how reminiscent it was of Breath of the Wild’s final trailer shown by Nintendo at their 2017 Switch Presentation. The first 40 seconds or so were almost a beat-by-beat replication of that impactful Zelda trailer: sweeping landscapes, fluid combat, epic music, and a lone hero looking out at an expansive world that was waiting to be discovered. Mulaka’s trailer emulated that final look at Breath…

When we first launched our ‘Inspired By Zelda’ themed week over at Zelda Dungeon, someone commented in one of the earlier articles that he couldn’t wait to hear my thoughts about a game called Ittle Dew 2+. I responded to him that, unfortunately, not only were we not writing about it that week, but I’d never even heard of that game. The commenters was disappointed, so I promised him I’d give it a play. So I did. And wow. Not…

Welcome to Inspired by Zelda, a new monthly feature here at Zelda Dungeon. Building off of our themed week celebrating other Zelda-Inspired games, Zelda Dungeon Editor-In-Chief Andy Spiteri takes a look at some of the best Zelda-like games that Zelda fans should know about. Join him every month on his journey, and if you know a great Inspired by Zelda game, be sure to let him know! Welcome to the Upside Down. In the regular world, free-to-play mobile games tend…

As Nintendo’s right-hand developer throughout the SNES and N64 eras, Rare is responsible for many of my favorite video games. Although the various teams within Rare’s studio reportedly shared a friendly rivalry — always trying to one-up each other with each new release — the UK-based developer seemed particularly competitive with the big N itself. Considering Nintendo published most of Rare’s games at that time, the two companies were on the same team at the end of the day. However,…

The Legend of Zelda is quite a long-lived series, an institution of quality that Nintendo has always been able to hang its hat on. Throughout its years of success, the Zelda series has sparked other game companies to build their own brand on exciting fantasy adventure games. The results of these endeavors frequently varied, but The Legend of Zelda has always been the example of which to emulate. In fact, back in 2000, Sony wanted a property to rival the Nintendo 64’s success with Ocarina of…

It’s like someone hit The Legend of Zelda upside the head with a Bible and a sense of adorable morbidity. I tried to come up with a better way to phrase it — really, I did — but ultimately, my several-years-old impression of Edmund McMillen’s 2011 dungeon crawler seemed to be the most fitting description. Dark, grotesque, and strangely a little cute and sad, The Binding of Isaac takes everything fans loved about the original Zelda game and twists it into a fun, albeit disturbing, romp…