Well, last week, I stated that I wouldn’t be easy to get rid of. Apparently, all it took was a promotion at work. Due to my new schedule taking up even more of my time and the needs of my family, this is going to be my last post here at Zelda Informer. I want to thank not only the team here, but all of you as well for being a part of my life here over the past year. I’m not gone forever, though. I’ll be joining your ranks and remain a fan of the site, so I will see you all there for sure. In the meantime, I’ll leave you all with this last contest. As always, leave your best and funniest captions below, and I will see you on the other side.

Here are the updated guidelines:

  • Please refrain from using offensive material (racial, sexual, overuse of offensive language, etc.) We want to make the contest fun and accessible for fans of all ages. PG-13 is my limit.
  • Keep the image as close as possible to its original form (minimal photo editing). This is the Caption Contest, our Photoshop Contest is held on Fridays.
  • If you don’t have the ability to edit the image, just leave it as a comment. We make sure to have a separate list of winners for this category.
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion at Zelda Informer. In fact, we encourage discussion based on those opinions. However, please do not insult other fans’ work. What may be funny to one person may not hold true for another…and that’s OK.
  • Have fun and be creative!

Use the image at the bottom of the page and leave your caption in the comments section below.

If you accidentally post as a guest, simply log in and reply to your comment with your username. If you post your caption as an image, and it doesn’t load, wait 5-10 minutes and check back. It usually just takes a few minutes to load properly. Don’t forget to check back throughout the week and upvote your favorites and maybe you will be one of next week’s winners!

By: Ducky

By: Pedro Vasconcelos

By: TheLoach

By: Xracecar

By: VanessaKue

And here are our non-photo caption winners:

  • Art1st4786 – “Touch the mossy statue, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.”
  • Shovel Knight – “Hero of Time has left the building!”
  • Rebecca Alicia – “Imma firing my lazzzzzzzzooooooorrrrr!”
  • GoroGreebo – Link: “I’m not Ashitakaaaaaa!!!!! This is not the franchise you’re looking for, Demon!”
  • Infernova – “Spiders and lazors? Nope nope nope nope nope!”

This week’s photo:

Sorted Under: Uncategorized