Zelda’s main man Eiji Aonuma is responsible for leading the Nintendo team into an all new 3DS title which will once again delve into the A Link to the Past overworld so familiar with longtime fans. A Link Between Worlds is such a hyped up title that Eiji Aonuma has revealed in an interview with Edge magazine the pressure behind the creation of this upcoming Zelda game. He details why the team is returning to the masterpiece in A Link to the Past for the making of A Link Between Worlds and how pressurized he feels in perfecting this game for all Zelda fans alike.

You can read the extensive quotes by Mr. Aonuma after the jump!

Here’s what Eiji Aonuma told Edge in response to their questions:

Why return to the world of A Link To The Past? And why do it now, some 22 years after the original?

“I didn’t make the original, but it was the first game I played that opened up my eyes to all the things a video game can be. It’s the game that inspired me to make games.

When the 3DS came along, I thought it would be cool to make a 2D-style Zelda game that you could play in 3D – it seemed like a challenge. In the meantime, one of our younger staff had this idea of giving Link the ability to turn into a painting and walk around the walls. While I was thinking about how best to implement that idea, I thought it might be interesting to combine that side-on view with the top-down view of A Link To The Past. So we arrived at the idea of making a new game set in the existing world of A Link To The Past.

More than the world or whatever else, the main thing I wanted to get back to was the jaunty tempo of a top-down game. In a 2D Zelda game, you can zip through the stage at a faster pace, which brings the action to the fore. I wanted players to revisit that style.”

The original game is nothing short of a masterpiece. How will you live up to the fans’ expectations? You must be feeling some pressure.

“Yes, that’s a concern. Fans of the original game have a lot of fond memories, and when we announced this sequel I know that some were dubious about the idea of us adding to that game’s lore. The challenge is to pinpoint what it was about the original that people loved and to respect that, and so long as we do that I think we can make something those fans will like.

It’s been a big point of discussion among the staff – how much fan service to give without blowing it. We’ve been thinking about how to make the new one in a way that will excite the fans without alienating people who haven’t played the original. We’re paying close attention to that.”

Mr. Aonuma and the team seem to be working quite hard to please fans with this new Zelda creation. To me, A Link Between Worlds is a game which looks to be something I’ll be playing for years to come. It may not appeal to everyone, but you need to play through a game before judging it. The Nintendo team has done a great job visualizing the overworld to today’s standards and the inclusion of a 60fps look, even in 3D, should allow A Link Between Worlds to be viewed comfortably.

What do you think of Mr. Aonuma’s comments regarding why Nintendo returned to A Link to the Past? Do you think fans should be pressuring him greatly about perfecting this title? Are you excited for the direction Mr. Aonuma has taken with A Link Between Worlds? Please let us know what you think below!

Source: GenGAME

Related: A Link Between Worlds Walkthrough