Tag: Love

With the Valentine’s Day holiday coming up, I’ve been thinking about who Link might spend it with. There’s obviously Zelda, Saria, Malon, or the less remembered Marin– and hey, he could even call-up Peatrice to see if she’s free on Sunday. But then I remembered, Link was once betrothed! The all too amorous and forward Princess Ruto of the Zoras bagged the Hero of Time when he was just a little boy and has been smitten with him ever since….

The latest video from YouTube member ConnorTheWaffle takes a look at the romance in The Legend of Zelda. In the video he reviews the various games and how the story of Link and Zelda evolves. Starting with the endings of each game where players get to see the two interract, to later games that included more scenes between them. He points out that there is more of an unspoken message of love between Zelda and Link that might not be…

The Legend of Zelda: nearly 30 years of action, adventure, puzzles, mysteries, romance…wait, romance? Yes even this iconic action/adventure series has had its fair share of romance between its silent-yet-smooth operator Link and whichever NPC his current incarnation is interacting with. But while the internet forever debates whether or not Link has the hots for Ilia or Midna, there are a few cannon couples in the franchise that always seem to bring a smile to our faces. These people help…

“Don’t be such a Cucco!” You’d probably be offended to be accused of acting like a Cucco, wouldn’t you? But perhaps you shouldn’t be. Cucco are incredibly strong creatures that are loyal and protect their own from harm; these are endearing qualities, so why the negative connotation on the name? Well, aside from the Cucco being the Zelda form of a chicken, and the phrase “Don’t be such a chicken!” being an insult in reality, Cucco can be seen as…

It is no secret that Link has been quite the ladies’ man over the years. Throughout the Zelda series, he has had quite a few girls after his heart, but is that something worth keeping up in future games? Many fans continue to support their favorite couples in Zelda, producing endless shipping fanfiction and artwork, while others resist any idea that Link or any other main character might end up in a relationship. Should Link have, or be subject to,…

Link is kind of a ladies’ man; tons of Zelda girls adore Link. And who could blame them? It’s a generally understood fact that effeminate guys are often found especially attractive, and let’s face it: Link is a little bit of a girly dude. But he’s also manly and heroic, so clearly he’s quite a catch. Because of their abundance, it’s honestly pretty hard for jokes about Link’s many admirers to make me laugh anymore. The gag isn’t just a…

I think it’s interesting when people use materials in a way that wasn’t necessarily intended, and the new Miiverse on the Wii U is certainly a great example of this. Movies have been made already, art galleries have been tested, and more recently, through the Wii U service, a gamer is putting up his own personal advertisement to find love. Hit the jump for more!

411mania has recently posted a list of the Top 5 Gaming Love Stories. Our very own Link and Zelda have earned a place at number three. Though I wouldn’t have ever expected Zelda and Link to make a love story couple, it’s still pretty interesting. It certainly makes for a unique relationship, as it will never turn out the same way in each story. Though it’s not always romance, the duo share a connection none the less. Quite a few…

Every group of people comes with a lot of idiots. No, don’t pretend that’s not true. You know it is. Even if they’re not exactly idiots, lots of people very often apply terrible logic to an argument when talking about video games, including Zelda games. Obviously, since this is a Zelda site, we’re familiar with haters coming up with terrible reasons to dislike the series. Unfortunately, there are plenty of terrible reasons to love Zelda games, too. I’m here to…

This video is about bottles! Yeah, I know, sounds silly. Well as you can see from the subtitle, there’s a more important point I get to. You should watch it anyway, even if you have doubts, haha! I like bottles a lot, but there’s a game design aspect relating to them and RPG games that I wanted to talk about. Hey, see if you can guess the music playing! What do you guys think of the video? Do you like…