Screen Shot 2015-12-23 at 6.34.43 AMThe Zelda Conqueror’s YouTube channel recently released his latest Zelda theory. This theory pertains to the cursed Skulltulla family that resides in Kakariko Village in Ocarina of Time. Who really is this family of tortured souls, who were they before this terrible fate befell them? These are the questions that are pondered in this latest Zelda theory. To help save this poor family Link is tasked with a quest to find every golden skulltulla in the game, totaling 100. As you collect more and more golden skulltulla’s you can return to the cursed families home and turn them in, as you do more and more of the family members will have the curse lifted from them. Once the curse has been lifted each one offers you a reward, one of those rewards is the Stone of Agony… strange indeed! Where did this stone come from, and could the stone have been created by the Sheikah? Does that mean that the family could have been Sheikah before they were cursed? Want to find out more? Jump on in past the break and see what you think of this Zelda theory.

What are your thoughts, where do you think the cursed family really came from? How and why were they in possession of the Stone of Agony? Do you agree or disagree with Zelda Conqueror’s latest Zelda theory? Tell us your theory in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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