Suni Hello everyone and welcome to the second installment of my burgeoning editorial series “Zelda Artist Expositions”. These posts feature great artists who mostly create Legend of Zelda artwork or at least have numerous Zelda works, whether it be drawings (digital or traditional), paintings, cosplay, crafts, et cetera. This series is meant to display and/or expose talented artists that have caught my eye with the very diverse and immense deviantART being my go-to place for Zelda art. Some articles, which are my personal favorites to write, will be over fairly obscure artists, but some will also cover bigger names in the future such as TiuanaRui or GENZOMAN. And as always, feel free to give recommendations of artists I should report on next. But enough of the technicalities and other artists, today’s artistic spotlight shines on the lovely Zellie668.

Suni Zellie has been contributing to deviantART for about 2 years, and her gallery is packed full of art with 161 deviations and four pages of art just in the Legend of Zelda folder. Uninspired is clearly not a word that describes her. Non-Zelda work in her gallery includes fan art of Vocaloid, Sailor Moon, Mass Effect, and other various original and fan drawings. However Zelda dominates as her main subject matter.

Her art is generally more akin to the bright, colorful thumbnail of Zelda above rather than the darker image to the right, but the latter work stood out to me. It is one of my favorite pieces by her because of the color, anime-esque style, and the playful, mischievous energy between the two villains.

The tone in her Zelda works are usually lighthearted and playful feeling such as a drawing showing a “chibi” Groose dragging Link or one where Aryl is laughing at Link as he is attacked by seagulls on Outset Island. Zellie even has a whole folder dedicated to humorous comics, which are quite funny. I’ve also noticed in her work that she likes to use the sunset sort of lighting a lot as you may yourself notice while viewing her gallery. Despite this, she does have a few serious pieces. These usually feature Link and Zelda in a romantic setting. Dedicating a folder to the subject, it is no secret that Zellie is a huge “shipper” of Zelda and Link. Anyway, I strongly advise you go check out her gallery for some really cute Zelda art. Her profile is pretty funny and interesting as well.

Suni So to close this post, what did you guys think of Zellie’s art? I think she is very talented and has a lot of potential. And I will reiterate, please leave a comment talking about a Zelda artist you like, love, or think would be an interesting story. I welcome the feedback and suggestions. Thanks for reading.

Zellie669’s deviantART page

Toon Zelda” by Zellie669
Ghirahim + Vaati: Dem fabulous villians” by Zellie 669
Link and Link: Piggyback” by Zellie669

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