On Monday, the Zelda Informer E3 team was one of the first in line to play The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, ready to take on the mysteries of this new multiplayer Zelda game. Adam from the ZI podcast, copy editor Jeffrey, and writer Rod made up the three-Link team, taking on the demo’s most difficult dungeon. You can now watch their frantically fun first look at the game and see exactly how working together in this upcoming Zelda will work.

The video shows how important communication is in Tri Force Heroes. The three ZI staffers frequently announce their positions, share their thoughts on situations, and actively seek out solutions to puzzles. Further, the demo showed off how multiplayer Zelda combat will work in this new title. Boss and mini-boss encounters present multiple paths to victory, and battles are extremely dynamic to keep teams on their toes.

You can watch other Zelda Informer E3 videos (such as a Mario Maker playthrough) on our YouTube page. Don’t forget to subscribe and look out for future videos, including more Tri Force Heroes gameplay.

What did you think of the video? Are you more excited to try out Tri Force Heroes? Let us know in the comments below!

Sorted Under: Zelda News