egx-631x330EGX, the year’s biggest gaming event to be held in the UK, is starting tomorrow! Nintendo has an active line-up of events and featured games, but among them is a “cosplay catwalk”, themed after the appropriately fashion-driven Triforce Heroes releasing next month. The event is being held at 5:30 PM on both the 24th and 25th, and should prove rather interesting, as the costumes are based on a game full of ridiculous costumes

Check out the tweet after the jump!

I sure hope that this means that we could see some new stuff from Tri Force Heroes at some point during the show. We are getting quite close to release day, and any neat little extra details are nice to hear. I am curious to see how cool, and quite possibly ridiculous, the cosplays will be. If they are based on costumes from the games… well, needless to say, we have seen some weird ones, and any remaining ones are not likely to be any less strange.

Are you attending/watching the events at EGX? Are you excited to see people wearing these funny costumes from the newest Zelda? Drop a comment!

Source: Twitter

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes