Tag: Twilight Princess

In most Zelda games, you’ll find a specific pattern repeated throughout every dungeon. One of these being the mini-boss of each dungeon and usually, they’re pretty easy to defeat (unless they have something more complicated to them). You can even find them outside of dungeons! There are tons of mini-bosses, sometimes some are brought from a previous installment to another. But the question here is: Which is your favorite? To read more into it, hit the jump to check it…

The Sheikah tribe is one of the most mysterious aspects of the Zelda franchise. We’ve really only ever seen two members of the tribe throughout the series, even though it is often implied there were many at one point. Impa and Sheik are the only members we’ve seen, so what happened to them all? That’s exactly what YouTuber Commonwealth realm explores in his latest theory. It explores where the Sheikah came from and their extremely interesting but unheralded history, connecting the handful of loose information we have together to make coherent sense…

Some would argue the most important part of the home is the bathroom. Everyone has to use it eventually and it can even offer a brief respite from every day life. Kids stressing you out? The bathroom may be your only solitude that day. Rough day at work? Same deal. That’s why when we see a Zelda themed bathroom it can’t be understated how amazing it is to bring something you love into a pretty personal space. Yes, all of that over a place where we relieve ourselves. Crazy, huh…

Here’s an odd occurrence. When one thinks of Zelda, or anythnig else really, on the Oculus Rift virtual reality visor, one would expect first-person visuals, no? Well, Twilight Princess breaks that commonality in YouTuber Normal Graham‘s video of the Gamecube/Wii classic in 3rd-person virtual reality. This is not the first of Graham’s VR game videos, but it is one of his more interesting. It is certainly tough to imagine through words alone, so hit the jump for the full video!…

Zelda fan Joseph Zawada has created a magnificent Lego version of Hyrule Castle, as it is seen in Twilight Princess, his favourite game in the series. Make the jump to check out a video on the build, detailing some of Zawada’s greatest challenges when constructing the masterpiece.

In a project that took Joseph Zawada 2 and half years to complete, we now have a massive Twilight Princess Hyrule Castle replica made out of LEGO bricks to marvel at. The process was extremely demanding and it takes two full car loads to transport this castle to various events. The castle comes apart into 40 different larger pieces, including 4 massive pieces for the base. The hardest part to build on the castle was the roof of the various towers and the keep. This is because LEGO bricks aren’t really designed for the unique shape of the tower’s roof in Twilight Princess, so it it took a lot of ingenuity to come up with a solution…

As many know at this point, Nintendo has seemed to remake quite a few Zelda games for both 3DS and Wii U. With Zelda U and Tri Force Heroes releasing in the future, who’s to say when the next remake will release? And to that, there’s a follow-up question- what will the next remake be? Would it be a remake of an older Zelda title, or a newer one? Is it of high-demand, or do you even care to see…

Twilight Princess on Oculus Rift may not seem as impressive as older top down games simply because the game is already in a 3D world. However, there are some new discoveries to be had by having am almost free roaming camera (there are limitations, naturally). As an example, you explore the opening scene area during the first cutscene while it is going on and discover something hidden away you probably never knew was there…

If you’re a die hard fan of the Zelda franchise like most of us, chances are you’ve played through most and if not, then all of the titles in the massive Nintendo franchise.

In this article, I will be introducing a new weekly series called ‘Goron Research Institute’, and exploring the rich history of the Faron Province.

What is true love? We probably all have different answers, including those that may believe true love doesn’t exist. It’s always a tough question to answer because love takes many forms and can be easy to confuse with infatuation. It can be easy to confuse with other special connections as well, such as if you have a child with another person – there is a certain bond that will generally always be there, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true love. YouTuber ConnerTheWaffle decided to tackle true love in arguably the purest form of it – Link and Zelda’s continued relationship…