The Sheikah tribe is one of the most mysterious aspects of the Zelda franchise. We’ve really only ever seen two members of the tribe throughout the series, even though it is often implied there were many at one point. Impa and Sheik are the only members we’ve seen, so what happened to them all? That’s exactly what YouTuber Commonwealth realm explores in his latest theory. It explores where the Sheikah came from and their extremely interesting but unheralded history, connecting the handful of loose information we have together to make coherent sense.

As an example, they claim the tribe divided at least two different times on an indifference on how to deal with certain threats and ended up fighting against each other during certain wars. One of these wars ended up leaving Impa as the only surviving member. After the timeline split, they explain how it appears the tribe itself in all 3 branches appears to have died out completely. It’s certainly a lengthy but very interesting theory that dives deep into the untold lore behind one of Hyrule’s most important tribes.

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