Tag: Majora’s Mask 3D

Last month, we reported that a nifty Majora’s Mask light was announced as a Club Nintendo reward for European fans. While some were excited about this physical item hitting the soon-to-close Club Nintendo, others were skeptical of the light’s quality. For those hoping to get a closer look at this Majora’s Mask light in action, Pug Hoof Gaming on YouTube has released a full unboxing video for the reward…

Nintendo released their yearly financial report and things are looking up for both Nintendo and Zelda fans. The only Zelda game reported with official figures being updated was Majora’s Mask 3D. So we still don’t have any officially updated figures for The Wind Waker HD or A Link Between Worlds, but chances are sales have slowed down on those titles dramatically. What we do know is that as of today, Majora’s Mask 3D has sold 2.03 million units across the globe. The game is well on the way to beating out known sales figures for A Link Between Worlds…

Today has been a day full of announcements from Nintendo. Not only did they just announce an amazing partnership with Universal Parks & Resorts (which some might have previously “joked” about) but they also released a full listing of their financial results for the fiscal year that just ended on March 31,2015. Within these results they also released a list of games that won a spot on their “Million-Seller Title” chart. On this chart I am happy to say that…

Happy birthday to Majora’s Mask! The popular sequel to Ocarina of Time turned 15 today. The N64 title was first released on April 27, 2000, just two years after Ocarina of Time…  

Update: It looks to be in-store only at this point. Check your local store for availability. 

Just when we think it’s gone for good, the Majora’s Mask New 3DS pops back up again! The elusive system is currently available at Best Buy’s website, with multiple users on Reddit reporting that they have been able to snag one from in-store as well.  At the time of this writing, the system still appears to be in stock on the website, but if it sells out there…

The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses – Master Quest has continued its tour throughout North America and Europe. With exciting new songs and movements, the concert series has let fans around the world hear their favorite tunes conducted live. In promotion of the new Zelda Symphony series, executive producer Jason Michael Paul recently sat down with Zelda Universe to discuss the current tour and Symphony of the Goddesses‘ future plans…

It turns out that Majora’s Mask 3D is a word wide sales success. While the game itself was released in the middle of February world wide, it is still continuing to sell extremely well in the weeks and now months since. While we all knew it was selling really well locally here in the United States, we now know that it’s selling just as well in Europe, as Majora’s Mask 3D has achieved the Gold BIU Sales Award in Germany for selling over 100,000 units. There are two award tiers higher than gold, with platinum meaning 200k while black translates to 500k. Still, for the month…

Last week I discussed the terrible narrative of Majora’s Mask, and today we’re taking a look at its terrible gameplay. Majora’s Mask went to great lengths to differentiate itself from other games in the Zelda franchise when it was released in 2000, but there’s a wide gap between simply standing out and successfully innovating.

While some of Majora’s Mask’s gameplay delivered fresh and rewarding experiences, it also served up many stale slogs of repetition, unpolished game mechanics, and major features that were undercooked. Let’s start with a look at one of the worst game mechanics in Majora’s Mask: the way it handles saving game progress…

Majora’s Mask 3D is assuredly going to move more than a million units here in North America, as Nintendo is reporting 184,000 sales for the game last month with 730,000 sold all together. World Wide sales are likely around 2 million right now, though we can’t confirm the international figures just yet. Either way, this game certainly has the long term potential of outselling Ocarina of Time 3D assuming it can find a consistent sales figure month to month down the line…

Fans holding off on purchasing the 3D remake of Majora’s Mask may now want to open their wallets. The popular Ocarina of Time sequel has just gone through a price drop on Amazon and Best Buy