Tag: Hut

Another day another few videos that show of A Link Between Worlds footage! So far we’ve mostly seen places that have already appeared in A Link to the Past, so it’s been exciting to see the modern reimagining of the old areas, but now we definitely have something new! Warning, this gameplay is a bit deeper into spoiler territory, but if you want, hit the jump to see some more of A Link Between Worlds!

The title for this week’s Windmill Hut says it all! I do not think there is a flutist on YouTube who has covered some of the songs that 8-BitBrigadier has. Though it is Halloween, jump in and take a moment to listen to these lighthearted Zelda cover songs!

This week’s Windmill Hut features a song many of us hold near and dear, the “Wind Waker Title Theme.” This band cover is by YouTuber Tilusankari, combining different types of guitar, drums, and keyboard to create a brilliant masterpiece. Jump on in to pay homage to this amazing artist and song.

Welcome to Zelda Dungeon’s other new weekly music feature, The Windmill Hut! Here at Zelda Dungeon, we understand that people have different tastes in music, so we thought it would be best to diversify our music features by having two. First off, let me introduce myself and show my credentials in reviewing Zelda music (pretty much, why you should listen to me and care about my opinions).