Alrighty, guys! Unlucky #13! Weird stuff might happen this time because of the unlucky number. Wonder what, though? And hey, 13 questions! Most I’ve ever answered! About half the questions are Zelda Wii related, which should be a relief to those who didn’t like the Zelda Wii focus last week. Enjoy! Questions and their timestamps: (00:19) – Do you think Twilight Princess’ bosses were big to hide how easy they were? (01:15) – What do you think of the original…

Hey there guys! Got a new discussion video for you! In order to keep something of a Zelda Wii theme this week, I’ve made a Zelda Wii video to go along with the Zelda Wii themed mailbag earlier this week. This video is a list of things I’d like to see in Zelda Wii, and in some cases I discuss the merits and the likelihood of seeing these come true. It’s quite packed, actually. Some of the subjects I cover…

Hey hey hey you guys! Got Curiosity Shop #11 for you! Haha, sorry if you were expecting the question count to be bigger again. It’s only 11 this time. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be able to pass 12. Maybe if I have a lot of tiny questions sometime! Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What are your favorite and least favorite bosses? (01:39) – Is there anything you like about Twilight Princess?…

The Chris Houlihan room has been an ongoing mystery in the Zelda world for the better part of the past decade. It was supposedly a hidden room found in a Link to the Past that could only be reached when the player went through a specific route and then dropped down a secret passageway outside of Hyrule Castle. Many Zelda enthusiasts have tried the various methods to find the room, many failed, and some even questioned the existence of such…

8th mailbag is here! Got a lot of questions this time, too! A total of 8. That’s more than usual for me. We also have a bunch of crazy songs. Again, I dare you to name all 8 songs! (Hey, 8 questions, 8 songs!) Although if you don’t play a wide array of games other than Zelda, you might not be able to guess them all… The questions and their timestamps are: (00:09) – Do you feel TWW was under-appreciated?…

In the year 1991, mentions of the Super Nintendo began to slowly pop up in the Nintendo Power magazine. While the Super Famicom had already been released as of November of 1990 in Japan, the Super Nintendo didn’t release until Fall of 1991 in the United States. In the months before the release, Nintendo Power was slowly but surely building the hype by offering quick previews of many of the upcoming titles. Super Mario World got a lot of the…

The guys over at The Kartel have put together a list of their top 10 games from the 90’s that have aged quite well. Most of the games are from the Super Nintendo era and we even got one Zelda title on the list; A Link to the Past. This is what they had to say about the Zelda classic. This game perfected the dungeon-adventure-RPG formula. Taking lessons learned from its previous iterations and adding in new features and abilities…