Over at gamerant.com, they’ve posted an article discussing how Skyward Sword was designed to make you care about Zelda (the girl) more, and debating whether such a move was necessary or not. As mentioned in the article, some gamers need motivation to get through a game, they need a reason behind what they’re doing in the game in order to make it worthwhile. According to Hidemaro Fujibayashi, the director of Skyward Sword, it was believed that Link and Zelda’s relationship had become diminished over the years and Skyward Sword aimed to restore that relationship. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably agree that they accomplish this, given how many times Zelda makes an appearance throughout the game, and the fact that overall it’s a very story-driven game. The full article can be read here.

Personally, story has never been a large part of why I play Zelda games, gameplay has always come first. In fact, it can occasionally get in the way, such as when long, lengthy cutscenes get in the way of actually playing the game. That being said, with the exception of the somewhat drawn out intro I thought Skyward Sword pulled off its story quite well, from what I’ve seen. What do you think? Is story an important part in Zelda games for you? Did you notice and appreciate the efforts Skyward Sword made to revitalize Zelda and Link’s relationship? Leave a comment and let us know!

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