Josh Koen gained a bit of Zelda fandom fame when his “Song of Storms” remix was featured on Attack of the Show. With over 170k views, chances are you’ve probably heard it. Well now he’s back with another take on a familiar Zelda song, albeit one that is not so often covered: “Serenade of Water.” He says the inspiration behind this second Zelda remix was simply a desire for a new alarm tone for his phone. Taking his cue from the Twilight Princess version of the same melody (that version which plays when meeting the mysterious zora Queen Rutela), his arrangement starts out hauntingly simple, conveying the quiet tragedy of her story.

Jump inside for the song!

My only complaint with the arrangement is that I feel it is over just as it is starting. I wish he would have developed it a bit further as it seems he had several strong ideas about where to take it, he could have played around with those a bit more and gave the song a more satisfying length. But being that he says his primary motivation for the creation of this arrangement was as an alarm tone, I suppose it is plenty long enough for that.

If you, too, would like to download it and use it as an alarm tone, be sure to visit his SoundCloud for the download.

What do you think of the remix? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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