0Egoraptor, popular online animator, has made a new episode of his Sequelitis series, comparing A Link to the Past with Ocarina of Time. He examines many of the things that many Zelda fans never do. Honestly, he has probably signed himself up for some major backlash, since any argument against Ocarina of Time can be a dangerous venture, which he admits in the video itself, but he certainly makes some interesting arguments that one should hear before making any judgments.

Check out the video after the jump!

I think that many of Egoraptor’s points are heavily based on the value of simplicity. One could say that he is not interested at all in stopping to examine what he has learned in his Zelda adventure part way through a game, and rather to just speed on through to the next puzzle or battle. Of course, that is not a bad thing, but it was EXTREMELY clear that something like A Link Between Worlds is what he is looking for, before he even said it. The truth is, some things that he said were bad about Ocarina of Time are things that appear in every nearly every Zelda game, including A Link to the Past. Also, his bashing of Skyward Sword was a little over the top. A small bit.

All that aside, he made some very good points – ones that too many hardcore Zelda fans sometimes fail in mind. Ocarina of Time, in many ways, is dated. That is why newer games need to try new things and see what works and what doesn’t (like with Skyward Sword), and sometimes to go back to what was well received and valued in the past (like with A Link Between worlds). He was quite right about boss and event predictability in recent games, and I never realized that Ocarina of Time actually did make you wait around a lot during combat. In the end, there are certainly plenty of things to love about the more popular Zelda games, but someone like Egoraptor often needs to stand up and look at everything that they don’t do so well, and to face the flack that often comes with it.

Egoraptor wants to hear your responses to all the points he made, and so do we, so let the counter-arguments begin! Tell us what you guys think in the comments!

Source: YouTube