gamestop-ad-leak-shows-zelda-link-between-worlds-3ds-xl-bundle-for-north-americaTwo days ago, a leaked GameStop ad announced that the previously PAL-exclusive A Link Between Worlds 3DS bundle will be coming to North America. Now there’s a rumor that the bundle, which packages a charming black and gold 3DS XL with Link’s latest  handheld adventure, will only be sold at GameStop on Black Friday, according to a guy on Twitter’s anonymous source.

Find out more about this admittedly questionable rumor after the jump.

Twitter-user Rattlecat posted Saturday that the A Link Between Worlds bundle will be a one day, first come first serve, item sold exclusively at GameStop. It also, allegedly, will not  be available for pre-order, he said. Bold claims for sure, but apparently Rattlecat obtained this information straight from an inside source, a friend who works at the video game retailer.


Before anyone freaks out about this narrow purchasing window, remember that a skeptical eye is always ideal when judging rumors like this. Until Rattlecat’s claim is confirmed by an official source, this rumor is just that: a rumor.

Personally, I have a hard time believing this rumor. I fail to see any reason for Nintendo or GameStop to limit sales of an enticing bundle to one day only. Doing so would only encourage rabid Zelda fans to storm GameStop stores in desperate droves. The momentary boost in sales would hardly make up for lost long-term profits. Rattlecat’s claim, however, despite seeming as dubious as his scheme to nab a bundle with the help of his buddy, could very well be true. He at least probably isn’t setting out to spread a false rumor on purpose. If his claim is false, then it’s because his friend is mistaken.

What do you think about this rumor? Will you be rushing to your nearest GameStop on Black Friday to pick up a A Link Between Worlds bundle if it proves true? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Twitter via I Heart Nintendo

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds