z1-00-coverThe recently released fan-created book, Legends of Localization Book 1, features all the little hidden details changed between the original Japanese and American versions of The Legend of Zelda on NES, as well as the individual release histories. This obviously must have taken real dedication, and the creators, Clyde And Heidi Mandelin, certainly had their work cut out for them. Still, they managed, and they seem to have had a lot of fun through their individual experiences while creating it. Retronauts recently Micro recently had an 20-minute interview with Clyde And Heidi about the book’s creation, and their own experience with The Legend of Zelda.

Check out the interview after the jump!

This book certainly has made a real impact for something working off of such a simple concept. But, with so much popularity coming to things like Did You Know Gaming and Beta64, one can only expect that a whole book based upon knowledge of a classic game’s development will sell well. Earthbound is the next on their list for documenting the localization process, but The Adventure of Link is not far behind! I can’t wait for my copy of Book 1 to arrive, and for them to finish work on Book 2, and it seems like many others feel the same way, so keep an eye out!

Did you learn anything from the interview? Will you be ordering your own copy of Legends of Localization? Drop a comment!

Source: Soundcloud

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