Ranking The Dungeons of The Minish Cap in The Zelda Cast Episode 258!
Posted on March 20 2023 by Andy Spiteri
After taking a break from the game last week, the Cast are back to finish off their discussion on The Minish Cap! This week, we dive into the numerous charming dungeons in the game, expand on our “less is more” mantra, talk about the bosses and items, and count just how many Darknuts you actually fight in Dark Hyrule Castle! We don’t see the dungeons eye to eye, so some negotiating might be in order!
All this, PLUS we’re throwing some of the latest Zelda news at you, talking about Alasyn’s Breath of the Wild vs Tears of the Kingdom thread, thoughts on The Last of Us, and gearing up for NEXT WEEK, where you can ask us a Zelda-themed ‘Would You Rather’ question! Come hang out with us!
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Andy Spiteri is a Manager of Zelda Dungeon, Host of The Zelda Cast podcast, and Owner of Omega Metroid. Probably drinking a Tim Horton’s Double Double as you read this.
Business: andy.spiteri@zeldadungeon.net